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On the floor getting beaten up by five men. Covering the head. Empty drained eyes. My 𝗐hite uniform shirt is now colored with specks of dirt. A footstep can be heard heading your way. Saddening that the fun is going to be over.

"He bumped into us, picking a fight!"
One of them pulled by the hair. Forcing me to be kneeled and look up to the "boss". Groaning from the hair pull.

"Tsk! He is good for nothing. Make him run errands for us." Weird.
Golden eyes and white slivery hair.

They forced me to use my own money. It was just midnight and were getting tired. Usually, I can go about three more hours.

"Weak." sighed, carrying their snacks and drinks. My steps were becoming hazy. Just a few more steps and 𝖨 𝖺𝗆 crashed to the pillar.

"Oi! You alright there?" Jian Yi called.
where is his boyfriend that has always followed him? I thought.


"Here let me help. Why did you buy all of these things for? Can I have one?" Jian Yi looks at them.

"She Li told me to buy it." Jian Yi looked stunned.

"H-Hey I thought you were a good kid. Don't be involved with him. Did they do that to you?"
Did he notice me?

"Ahh, the newcomer has come?"
The "boss"...

"Shit." Jian Yi muttered.

"Nah you are welcome your welcome dear classmate! I will be going off soon." Jian Yi was about to escape.
He doesn't know my name...

"Little sheep, where are you going off to?" little sheep? I guess with his soft skin he is like a sheep. Pretty too.

"With me." His boyfriend has arrived!
Woahhh cool entry.

The two left. Take me with you.

"I will go now. My class is starting."
Bow down to them.

"You are not going to leave."
His voice is now violent, I hate it.

"Wipe that monotonous look off your face. You are no fun."
She Li commented.

You and your gang have the same look, idiot. The bell rang and you sigh.

"I have no more money left for this week. I do not want to be involved. Thanks for the beat-up though." smiled and return to your normal look.

"Why did you pick a fight with them then?" His posture was a relaxing kind. Resting his head on his hand with his elbow on one of the stairs.

This staircase is deserted for She Li.

"I just bumped into them. And was only standing there."

I  𝗅𝖺𝗒 down now. My knees are going to give out. I should be in the infirmary for painkillers. Ahhh, damn this bastard for wasting my money. I could have just drowned myself in painkillers.

"Next time apologize. Since we are short of people, you can run errands for us. Now you can go."
She Li smirked. Suspicious...

"I can call you when I want to beat you up, right?" Just as I was about to walk out of there.

"...Sure." My knees are killing me and I am too lazy to entertain him for today.

"Ah, it is you again, kid." The nurse greets me.

"So ice pack and pain killers?"
I just nod and lay on one of the beds. Too tired. Usually, I could stay awake. She did not even ask if anyone beat me up. I guess it is better this way.

When I woke up, the school was already over. That damn nurse doesn't even bother waking me up...
Maybe she did but I did not wake up.

The glass door was unlocked and I can get my bag. After-school activities must have just ended. It is going to be sundown soon. Mom might be worried for me. Checking for any missed calls. Only a text. "Where are you" from her.

I text her my reason.
"Don't come home, your dad is buzzing again." Dad would not hurt Mom physically but would shout at her. "I am at my aunt's place, go to your friend's." I don't have one to depend on.

I decide to go to the park instead. The one with a small bridge that I cannot die even if I jump, is disappointing.

I sat by the water. Hearing the sound of two male guys. It was He Tian and Mo Guan Shan playing with the water.

"F#!k you crazy bastard!" Mo shouted.
wow so romantic... what an eyesore.

I took out strawberry milk to drink along with an iPad and start looking at the commission list. I needed to earn money secretly and have the ability to draw. Soon the iPad is being snatched out of my hand.

"What are you drawing, newcomer?"
She Li.

"Just work." I quickly stood up and try to snatch it back.

"Oi, just let me see already." Covering your face, making you stop.

"Pfft. What gay thing is this!" He laughs.

"Shut up, I earn just enough for my pocket money. Tsk had to suffer being touched by an old fatass pervert."
Shuddering and the memory of it.

"You do like being touched by guys huh?" He smirks.

"Disgusting. You and that old man are both disgusting." You cringed at his words and snatch them back.

You thought of sleeping somewhere else. You have to complete the drawing tomorrow, so there would not be any sleep for you today which is perfect cause there are no sleeping spots for you.

"Oi, relax. Besides what are you doing at night by the park. Don't tell me you are homeless." He holds your wrist.

"For now, yes." I should stop talking before I want to wash my mouth with soap. Giving give too much information about myself will have him blackmailing me.

"Aww how sad, come with me. You can stay at my place." She Li said.

"No, I have no money left for you."
Snatching back my wrist.

"It is free if you do something for me in return. You can stay with me for a little while and even have food to eat."
He smirks suspiciously.

"No, thanks for the offer but I was already planning to strive." Your stomach betrays you by growling.

"Hahaha! Gosh, you are going to starve. How cute. Just stay with me, you can even have protection if you join the gang." She Li.

Protection, huh? Gosh, the only other dangerous protection is the condom my parents use involving me, a mistake.

"No, I do not need want. Your protection sucks. Your gangs only know how to kick and throw
punches." Should I show him my power too?

"But of course you, yourself wouldn't know the pain. Right?" Seeing his stunned expression.

Hahaha, I know it bish.

"You-" He grabs my collar.

"You showing act as if you are so strong. Your "power" just helps you. If anyone wants to be in pain. It should be you." Smirkingly.

He is scared. His fist is shaking.

"I won't tell anyone. I would not hurt you. If you want to kill me make it quick." Covered my eyes wanting a punch.

"Hahaha, as if I am going to let go of you now." oh no.

"You are coming with me. Besides my mom ting me to have 'good' friends come over." She li said letting go of the collar.

Is he stupid? Cause of his gang beating me up I have bruises around me. I can just cover it up with concealer. Been using it for my eyebags.

"Good? Really?" They just think I'm good cause I have no discipline records and quite quiet I am failing.

"Why are you not." Yea I am not I vape! Strawberry milk scent and have been drinking drawing milk to cover it up. Dear beautiful and wise reader, please do not smoke or vape. Thank you.

"You are not? Interesting. Come on already." She Li grabs me by the wrist and drags me.

She Li x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now