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School. I took the bus as usual. I have gotten many glares as soon as I step into the class. I just shook them away.  I sat down on my chair and laid my head on the table, closing my eyes. I hear their mouths chatter. I wonder if I could shove a blender in there.  Just as I was about to drift off. my head got smacked.

"Oi, how is our little one doing today." Friends, I have friends. I was not aware of their presence in my life, they just pop in unpredictably. 

"What were you doing with She Li?" Wei Jie( friend name) asked while his arms folded and his eyebrows crosses.

"What do you mean?" Man, I just want to sleep. 

"This." He shows me a pic of me sleeping with She Li beside me. He took a picture?! And posted it!

"Ah! I crashed at his place." Lying.

"Since when are you two close? Why do you even befriend him? What is wrong with you? Who else? Where did you even go to his place? How?!" Wei Jie grabbed onto my shoulder and shook it furiously.

"Well sir, It was raining and his house was close by. I did him an offer well was forced to buy his errands. Besides, I am well now, thanks for asking." My response made him shocked. 

"...If you need help blink twice." He took a seat next to my table.

I fluttered my eyelashes instead. He laughed. The teacher has yet to come, so I sat on his lap while playing on my phone while he is doing extra math. Before the bell rang, a henchman of She Li called me to follow him but I decline and stayed on Wei Jie's lap instead. The bell was going to ring and I am a good student that smells of strawberry.

"Still smells like strawberry." Wei Jie commented. I nodded in response.

She Li's henchman take one last look before he rushed out of my sight.

Minutes later, She Li knocked on the door. Ah, he is going to make a scene. She Li's eyes was in contact with mine, causing everyone to look at me. I avoided his gaze, getting out of Wei Jie's lap. She Li steps closer. Wei Jie nudged me with his elbow, getting me out of my trance. She Li's uniform was unkempt as usual. I frowned as he moved nearer and nearer.

"I called for you." She Li said.

"Class is about to start, I do not want to go with you now." I tried to return to my seat, She Li grabbed my shoulder and brought me to the floor.

I was quick to get up and punch his face. No one dared to stop us from beating up each other. I could have sworn blood flown out of me. She Li tackled me to the ground before he could hit me with his fist, he stopped and stared at me. The teacher finally arrived in 'stop' it.

We were sent to the principal's office. The principal's pupils quivered when he caught sight of She Li. The Principal told She Li that he is going to call his parents along with mine and that I was going to go to detention.

We went to the nurse to get patched up. I went back to class, receiving stares. I sat on my seat and hoped that the news does not reach Mo Guan Shan. The praying was useless as he came running to me at lunch and punched my shoulder.

"Are you crazy?! Stay away from him."
Mo Guan Shan was about to say another word before the famous He Tian arrived and brought me enough time to slip away from his lectures.

This is confusing. First, he kissed me just yesterday. Now, he punched me. He is probably just using me for fun or is confused about his feeling. I went to the nurse and lay in one of the beds. I just wondered what would happen in detention as I have never been there in one before.

"Oi, She Li wants to see you." The same henchman as before. I reluctantly followed him to She Li. He was in a storage room and did a hand wave, asking the members to leave the room.

"What is it that you want?" I am too tired to waste any remaining energy and will probably just let him stab me to death with his pocket knife.

"Come here." He is behaving weirdly again. I step closer but left a metered space in between us. He pulled me closer and hand me strawberry milk. Opening it for me, with me wrapped around his arm. He hands it and tightens his hold on me, having his face on my stomach. I can't nm n ñ but run my fingers in his hair.

He soon lets me sit on his lap, his arm around my waist. It was quiet and peaceful. Is he trying to make amends with me? Why did he give me a strawberry flavored? He must have smelled me the other day when we slept together, creep. My cheeks heated up.

"Don't." He finally speaks.
"Don't do what you would do to me to others." He says as he buries himself onto my back. I arched my back at the sudden movement.

"What do you mean?"
"I do not like it when you are with others." He said firmly, his grip forming wrinkles on my uniform. I pat his head, he releases me from his grip.
"He is jealous."

I use this chance to get out of his grip.
"I have to go to class, and also. What do people do in detention?" I asked him. He looked at me blankly before laughing.

"Are you serious? You never got caught?" He laughed sarcastically.
He did not get into detention yet he was the one who started the fight. Rich people are annoying.

I stomped out and went back to my class, lunch is almost over, and my whole day is a mess. In class, I wondered if he is seriously into me.
"[M/n], thank goodness you are alright." Wei Jie examine me.

"I'm alright just tired." I yawned. Wei Jie slapped behind my head. " what the hell was that? Stay away from him." He went back to his seat.

It is no secret that if you are targeted by She Li, you would get out alive by the gang. Everyone I know kept on saying how I should stay away from him. Yet, She Li is the only one I could get help with. Strangely, I am comfortable with the abuse I get along with affirmative action I get told that he cares for me. Still, he is a walking red flag.

 I could just kill him, to protect Mo Guan Shan but he could help to free uncle. I should probably think of something to get She Li to get a private investigator to find who framed uncle. My family is also struggling to meet ends. We try to help aunt Mo with groceries and needs. Arggh!  I want to get beaten up just to relieve myself yet it is the reason why I met She Li. 

Now for detention. I wrote 100 words of "I will not pick a fight in class", words full of lies, I did not start it! I was warned that if I ever had another detention I would have to write 500 words, and the third time would be suspension. They had already called my parents and complained to me that none of them answered and accused me of giving the wrong number. They asked me to call my parents myself, which they also did not answer my calls. At last, they called my brother who said he would give the message to my parents but I doubt he would.

The discipline master soon slept. She Li appeared and sat behind me in silence.

"What are you doing here? You don't have anything for you to do here." Telling him off as I was annoyed that the school let him off just because of his family's wealth. Instead of answering, he changed his seat and grab my hand. He laid his head down on his other arm while massaging my fingers. I took back my hand harshly and did my homework to pass the time. He seems to get upset and pulled my seat closer. 

"What did you even want to do with me early in the morning?" 


"You have the members. Are you even taking me in as a member?" She Li took back my hand and massage it, his eyes have always seemed as if it was drained. His hair should be tied or at least brushed properly. Messy hair and drained eyes. 

"No. You can't fight properly." I doubt that.

I gave up doing my homework and laid my head instead. I forgot to take my meds this morning,  the vitamin B for energy never seemed to work. I do always get tired every day anyways. The discipline master knocked on the table, waking me up, I must have dozed off. When I looked on She Li's side, the chair was not pushed back in. He left. 

"Don't be near that kid, She Li." The discipline master warned again before he lectures me instead of dismissing me instantly. 

She Li x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now