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My body hurts less. I opened my phone and entertain myself with the death threats from my ex's friends. Mom must have left for the market. Dad should be sleeping by now. I showered, I should start doing the commissions for my actual supporters. I am glad She Li helps me to get rid of the old guy. Maybe, having She Li would not be all bad. 

 "Babe, are you awake. I can't wait."  My other girlfriend is from a different school. I should break up with her too. Having her would just be a nuisance. Besides, I do not want any disgusting validation right now. My friends have another group chat without me, they do not need me. I would have been fine, being a loner. If not for that one friend. I wish he do leave me too, he does not deserve to be treated like crap by me. 

I got up for a walk while waiting for her. Father's presence is suffocating me. I dressed up lightly. I took out some money from a small container hidden inside my closet. Sleeping makes me feel guilty for some reason. Eating in this house makes me feel guilty too. I will just buy an onigiri and eat it at the park. I promised her to go to the park. I will break our relationship there.

I sat and ate an onigiri alone in the park. She came 15-minute later. We hold hands as we swing it, thinking about it as if it were a bat and hitting a baseball to a home run. HAHAHH get it cause we will break up and my desire to run away from home. It was a bad joke. She ordered a coffee. She took some pictures of us and her alone that she will hate soon. She soon finds her guy friends and hangs out with them for a while, leaving me out. They will beat me up tomorrow, I just know it, but I will just consider it as therapy. 

I looked at her and her friends laughing. She soon returns to me. Holding my hands again and bids her friends farewell. We walked along the park when I was hit by a light bump by She Li. She Li more like She-(Leaving). Again a bad joke. I apologize. She Li stared at me while walking backward with two of his members. Threatening me by sticking out his two fingers from his eyes then pointed them at me. My girlfriend nudged me to walk again. I nod with a smile which seems to anger She Li more.

As we walk again for about a minute. I stand in front of her, holding both of her hands. I take a deep breath in. "Let's break up." Her hopeful eyes turned into despair. "Why?" Her voice starts to crack. "I am sorry, I misunderstand my feelings for you. You deserve better, find someone else that treats you right okay? You were good to me, I hope someone is good to you too." I left not wanting to change my mind or made it worse.

The weight on my shoulder felt lighter. I was am relieve for getting away from these responsibilities. I have already got away from being a son, brother, and now, a lover. As I walk back, She Li leaned on a post. He was smoking again. He slowly brought himself to me. Huffing out the smoke on me. "Now you smell like me" He snickered with his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his hair and push it off. Silently, leaving him. I wait at the convenience store, I do not want him to follow me home. However, I got a call from my brother that he wants to see me. I went to his house nearby. I wished he would live somewhere far away.

"You jerk! You made Mom stayed up late waiting for you." He slapped me.

"Is that all you have to say? I will be leaving now  then." Turning away to get a punch from him. Leaving blood on my lips. "I gave money for Mom and you to eat!" Bursting out his words. I laughed at him. "Do not worry, Mom ate well and spend my portion of money for her comfort." He looked at me with disbelief. Mom had been spending the money on food and her on use. I understand that she needed it to comfort herself. Dad does not even know about the money and has never brought Mom anything. Brother rests his hands on my shoulder. He gave me a chocolate and rubbed my hair. "You are growing, eat well." I left with the chocolate. I will just give it to Mom.

I know She Li is nearby. I took a more crowded route to avoid him. Just as I thought that I could get away from him. I was pulled into an alley. His face was right in front of me. Elbow right beside my head. His other handheld tight on my wrist. My mind was blank and breathless. His face move closer and soon he puts his tongue in my mouth that was open ajar. Sucking on my blood. I tried to push him off, he just kept on moving closer. Knowing I am not enough to be up against him, I surrendered. 

However, with my feet against the wall. I pushed it off and having him trapped on another building's wall. My tongue fought back and pushed his tongue off of mine. He yet could not let go of the wound and yet sucked more on it though there was nothing left to suck on. His tensed body soon relaxed on the wall as I hovered on top of him. Giving a peck on the lips and escaped, leaving him breathless on the wall, panting like a dog. 

I reached home, just in time for Father to leave. He did not say anything as I passed by him. Going into my room, starting to do schoolwork and hopefully a commission. With my head light from the kiss, I laid my head down. Finishing my schoolwork, with my text buzzing.

"Don't run away next time." from Bastard. I left it as seen and continue doing a commission.

I did not run away, I simply left.

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