2~ Can't stop this feeling

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I ran into my room. Tears cascading down. This was it, the day I joined them in there evil ways. Just a few more hours, and we would be on our way to Hiddleston's house, Masks on, crowbar at hand.

I imagined him staring down at me, the look of disgust across his face. One thought led to another, up until the point where I could no longer breath. I raised my fists, and thrusted them towards the wall, screaming. I had never felt this feeling before, this... anger inside of me.

"What's going on up there?" Hannah called, reminding me that shes the cause of this sudden panic attack, she and her good for nothing husband john. I wanted to kill them both, I wanted to kill myself. It seemed like an easy option at the time. "Beatric, I asked you a question?" Mrs anderson whispered, opening my door.

I stared into her eyes, practically begging for comfort. But, like always, she had to go and give me the complete opposite. "Ummm, tris? Look, were leaving soon" she said, making me question why I shouldn't just strangle her. I wiped away my tears, hid my damaged knuckles, and smiled. "I'm coming"

From then on, time went slow. I sat in the back of the car, watching the city as it went by. Knowing soon, I would be a stranger to it. The Anderson's went over the plan, pasting it into my mind. "Are you ready honey?" He asked me. Nope, is what I wanted to say. "Couldn't be better" is what I really said.

I tunred away from them. The sky outside was dark. Cars rushed past, matching the rhythm of my heartbeat. And eventually, after what seemed like years of worrying, we stopped. Hannah tunred to me. "I'll see you on the other side beatrice" she whispered, handing me a black mask.
I took a few deep breaths then reached for the car door.

This was It, our one and only chance. "Dont mess this up kid" John ordered. I nodded, opening it up and stepping out. The cold air startled me, making my stomach churn. Or maybe that was stress. Nevertheless, I pushed on, sprinting round the side of the mansion. "Step one, find an open window" I muttered, my bottom lip trembling. I was so scared.

After what felt like hours of walking, I stopped. Admiring the sight before me. I had found my way in. Looking back, I could no longer see my foster parents, witch made me worry. 'What if I got caught, would they even help me? Or would they leave' My mind was questioning everything at this point.

I grabbed the edge of the window, and began to climb. Infront of me stood a large blue curtain. 'Come on Tris, pull yourself together'. I reached for the gap, and climbed inside. Then it it hit me, I was standing insdie the house of Tom Hiddleston, the man who practically saved my life.

When I was down, feeling like the world was against me, it was seeing his smile on the tv that cheered me up, It was his acting that inspired me to be brave, and it was his characters who rescued me from the darkness. So you can only imagine the guilt I was carrying, as I shut the window behind me.

I looked around, unable to take another step. My body had frozen with fear, my mind had shut down. However, there was no going back. John's voice echoed through my mind. I knew how much he depended on me, how they both did. I was like I was there puppet, if the rope was around my neck.

Under different circumstances, the place would have been a real good veiw. With its pastel blue walls, and soft creamy floors. This man surely did know how to decorate. However, Unfortunately, I was not there to admire furniture, I was there to steal it. 'Step two, get the key'

The floorboards creaked under me. I had made it into the corridor. Beside me was a large stairway, leading to the seconds of all four floors. Slowly, I scanned the area for a key, treding carefully across the now dark brown carpet. I had entered a new room, filled with musical instruments. It was like heaven in my eyes.

There was a huge piano, coated in dust; unused, abandoned. Just like I felt, when my foster parents told me about there plan to rob Tom. "You'll be good at it" Mrs Anderson said. "Your a natural criminal" Mr Anderson agreed. Trust me when I say this, no kid wants to hear such things said about themselves.

I wanted to be told I was great, musically talented, gifted, strong. I wanted it more than anything. Standing inside that house, I had never felt so incredibly alone. I knew they would turn there backs on me, who wouldn't. I should have just ran when I had the chance, and lived my life differently. Because now I was unable to change my future, for I dug to deep in the one they set for me.

"Yes, that's ok" came a voice from the hall way. I panicked, rushing under the piano, which had a large dirty Blanket conveniently draped over it. The light turned on, I covered my mouth, not wanting my heavy breathing to give away my spot. "No, I can't do Monday" He, as a pair of manly long legs entered the room. I would recognise them anywhere, it was him. Tom.

My heart was hammering inside my chest, causing my legs to shake. I had never been this petrified. The man walked around the room, clearly speaking over the phone. "Well get Robert to do it, I've got somewhere to be tomorow!" He said, sounding frustrated. Meanwhile, I was busy trying not to cry.

Something fury brushed past my arm, making me jump a little. The stand above me shook. When I turned my head, beside me was a small white cat, playing with the hem of my shirt. "Shit" I whispered, picking it up and pushing it out. I couldn't believe how close that was, one wrong move and he would catch me. The pet meowed, staring me dead in the eye, I closed my eyes in fear.

"What's wrong Halo?" Tom said, hanging up and crouching down. He was inches away from me, so close I could hear his breathing. I bit down on my lips, so hard I could taste the blood inside them. "Come on buddy, let's go, come on" He said, in a much higher, overexaggerated voice.

I watched as his hands went down, and picked the kitten up. Then, thank god, they walked out the room, closing the door behind them. *fuck that was close* I thought, crawling out from underneath. My heart tried desperately to settle, as I braced myself for what I had to do next.

"Who the hell are you!" Screamed Tom, as he suddenly appeared infront of me. I had messed up, big time.
Word count- 1186

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