Like Me

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We've been living in Texas for a good three weeks. I'm starting school tomorrow but I'm going to hang out today with Noah. I take a shower and wear a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, black sneakers, a gray zipper hoodie and then a leather jacket over it. I go downstairs but I don't find my Dad. I go to his bedroom and find him sleeping. I play with his hair till he wakes up.

"Morning.", I say smiling.

"Good morning, sweetheart.", he says.

"Well, I'm going out with Neon and I just wanted to tell you.", I say.

"Alright. Have fun, baby.", he says.

"Goodbye!", I say.

"Goodbye!", he says.

I kiss his lips and go downstairs. Noah arrives. We ride our bikes to the park.

"Want some ice cream?", he asks.

"Okay.", I say.

We go to the ice cream parlor.

"What would you like to have?", a lady asks.

"I would like to have chocolate and coffee ice cream please.", I say.

"And I would like to have strawberry and cookies n' cream ice cream please.", Noah says.

She makes the ice creams and gives them to us. We pay and sit together on a bench.

"You wanna try it?", I ask. 

"Okay. Try mine too.", Noah says.

I take my spoon and get some ice cream from him. He also takes some from me.

"It's good.", he says.

"Yeah. Yours is good too.", I say.

"Pal, Liam is here with Daniel.", he says.

I look at them. They're sitting on a bench talking. Daniel spots me and I look away.

"Here we go again.", I mumble.

"Hey, fag!", he says.

Me and Noah stand up. Noah punches him in the face but Daniel knocks him down. I kick Daniel in the nuts and kick his chest making him fall on the floor. I help Noah up. Liam looks at me and claps. I giggle shyly. Me and Noah sit back on the bench.

"Are you alright, Bruh?", I ask.

"Yeah, thanks.", he says and kisses my cheek.

We keep chatting about random stuff till Liam comes to us.

"Hey, Pearl.", he says.

"Hi, Liam.", I say and stand up.

"Do you wanna hang out maybe tomorrow after school?", he asks nervously.

Ahhh! Liam Stanton Butler just asked me out!

"Y-yeah, sure.", I stutter.

"Thanks. See ya!", he says.

"Bye bye!", I say.

He walks off and I just stare at Noah.

"Can you believe it? Liam asked me out!", I say.

"That's good! He likes you.", he says.

I just smirk.

"Why would somebody like me?", I ask. "I'm so ungirly."

"You're unique and cute and beautiful.", he says.

I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"It's getting dark. We better go home.", I say.

"Alright.", he says.

We ride our bikes to my home. Noah makes sure I've arrived there safely and he rides off.

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