letter four

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Dear Sim Jaeyun,

As it turns out, I ended up writing another letter for this weekend because something that I thought you never do in a million years did happened.

Last friday, you called me by my first name, you called me "Y/N" as you run across the soccer field and when I spinned around to see your demanding presence, I couldn't help but grin widely at the sight of you wearing your soccer uniform.

You smiled back as wide as mine before approaching me, with the soccer ball in your hand and no one was with you. All of your teammates is resting from the distance in the bleachers.

It was just us.

With all the trees slightly swaying their branches above us, and it almost look perfect.

You held my wrist up and give me a high five. When I asked you why you were so happy, you said you passed the exams and I was not the least bit surprised. You were an achiever who literally jumped around as you dance a little at your success and that was hilarious.

Still an adorable sight, by the way.

I blushed so hard when you took me in a quick hug that I had to peer down at my shoes as if I saw something interesting in the bermuda grass.

When in truth, the only interesting one is in front of me, doing a celebratory dance.

You thanked me with the biggest smile in your face. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

And then you clasped both of my hands for a while before letting go, flushing in embarassment as well at how giddy you were becoming

I saw you smiled again, and I loved seeing it, it was never a smirk or a sly one like the other boys think was cool to wear, what you wore is genuine, a pure of joy, a full of happiness even in your eyes.

If only it was possible, I wanted you to smile like that to me everyday.

I wanted to see your eye smiles, your wittiness and pride of being you, Jake.

I wanted you to beam like that on a rainy days, when everything felt so gloomy and hopeless, to light up everybody in the world because you looks best when you were so happy.

That's when I realized why sometimes I hated looking at you because when you grinned at me like a winner, I felt the butterflies they were saying would fly in your stomach, but it wasn't a bad thing.

It was peaceful and calming. I would do anything to feel that feelings again, where no one can stop me from admiring you this close.

In the world where it's only the two of us.

Right there, when you looked at me, I saw it. I saw a spark of something else in your eyes and god, was it so amazing to hope that it was the thing I was wishing for.

The interest in your eyes, it was short but it was there, it was true. I found it, Jake, the impossible. See?

I know one day you'll notice me too in a way I want to.

Now I wish I could see it longer. I want to see you be this happy. I don't want to see you being said or bruised in all your worries or the loneliness you felt at times.

What I want is to see you, laughing and crying, but a pure tears of joy, and staying with me here in Brisbane.

I sound crazy, do I?

Never in a million years would that happen for you to finally see me.

Never in a million years would it happen to hold me like I was your priceless person

Never in a million years would it happen for you to kiss me with those strawberry-colored lips of yours.

Never in a million years would it happen for you to stay for me once this school year ends.

But for now, I'll cherish you being this close to me before you went and go.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Sim Jaeyun ⚊ Letter Series #3 ✔Where stories live. Discover now