Part 2 - The One

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I arrived in Liverpool heading back to Anubis house I'm excited to see everybody I just hope for a peaceful year. As I'm waiting for the taxi to take me to Amun when I saw a figure that looked like Eddie but I shake my head because I know for a fact he is back in America. I'm good that is what I make myself believe.

I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit

Been saying "yes" instead of "no"

I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though

Once arriving at the front of the house I feel that I'm back home. I open the door and I hear voices from the living room and I leave my suitcases by the staircase. I noticed Amber talking with Mara and Fabian talking with Patricia and to my surprise Joy who by the way was too close to Fabian for the liking. That's when Patricia noticed me.

"Nina!" She exclaimed as she ran to hug me.

"Patricia!" I said excitedly as we hugged.

"Still American?" She asks as she lets go

"Yes, you still British?" I ask as we joked around that's when I was in a bone-crushing hug which I couldn't breathe.

"Nina! I missed you my BAF," Amber said while still hugging me.

"Hello Amber, I missed you too but please can you let me breathe?" I said while trying to loosen the hug a bit.

"Oh of course," Amber says as she lets go.

That's when I turn to Fabian and we hug and I get that guilty feeling in my stomach how could I have cheated on him. He was the first friend I made here and who believed me with the insane quest to find the cup of ankh.

I hit the ground running each night

I hit the Sunday matinee

You know the greatest films of all time were never made

I guess you never know, never know

And if you wanted me, you really should've shown

And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow

And it's alright now

Once I settled my things in my room that I share with Amber. I grab my laptop and head to Fabian's room once I got there we spent time watching movies and laughing at some of the things we said. In the back of my mind, Eddie is forgotten for the moment. As I lay my head on Fabian's chest as we cuddle in his bed I get this text message.

Hey girlie how's England? I wanted to let you know that Brittney is with Eddie Miller now like wtf... Love Marisol

Marisol is one of my best friends from back home and she knew of the whole summer fling and how I fell in love with Eddie but I couldn't be with him because I had to come back to Anubis.

"Hey, neens are you okay?" Fabian asks me as I get up quickly from our position.

"Yes, I'm okay it's just my best friend messaged me and it reminded me I didn't let gran know I arrived safely I will be back let me call her now," I say to him as I head to the door.

"Okay, Hurry up so we can finish the movie before supper." He says as I open the door and close it behind me.

I called gran to let her know I'm at Anubis house and I texted Eddie to let him know congratulations on going out with Brittney and I blocked him after so I don't get to hear his response.

But we were something, don't you think so?

Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool

And if my wishes came true

It would've been you

In my defense, I have none

For never leaving well enough alone

But it would've been fun

If you would've been the one

I have this dream you're doing cool shit

Having adventures on your own

You meet some woman on the Internet and take her home

We never painted by the numbers, baby

But we were making it count

You know the greatest loves of all time are over now

I guess you never know, never know

And it's another day, waking up alone

With that said I head back to fabian's room and we ended making out until we heard Trudy announce dinner. It's time I focus on my relationship with Fabian and let Eddie go.

That night Sibuna had its midnight meeting in the cellar for the new term back. Sibuna consists of me, Fabian, Amber, Alfie, and Patricia. But it was too good to be true Joy, Mick, Mara, and Jerome ended up showing up and that led to victor finding us. As they head down the attic I used it to hid the cup that I had gotten from the school before arriving at the house and hid it behind the panel.

That night I slept peacefully and had no boy drama within them but I'm not going to lie Eddie showed up in them making me wish he was the one and I was his one but that won't ever happen.

But we were something, don't you think so?

Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool

And if my wishes came true

It would've been you

In my defense, I have none

For never leaving well enough alone

But it would've been fun

If you would've been the one

Hey, yeah-yeah

I persist and resist the temptation to ask you

If one thing had been different

Would everything be different today?

We were something, don't you think so?

Rosé flowing with your chosen family

And it would've been sweet

If it could've been me

In my defense, I have none

For digging up the grave another time

But it would've been fun

If you would've been the one

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