Getting together

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It's been seven weeks since they were announced to be debuting as ENHYPEN, and almost 5 months since i-land started hence almost 5 months since Jake and Heeseung have known each others.

Except for the second week of the program, when Jake went to the ground, they have been together every day all day for seven weeks, and the chemistry between the two grew stronger each passing week, especially in the second part of the survival show, in which they often practiced the choreos together as they mostly were in the same unit.

During those months they got to know each others very well - along with all the other participants - and they started to like each other in more than just a friendly way.

It was now the second week of November, meaning that Jake's birthday was coming, and Heeseung wanted to finally put a stop to their pining and ask the shorter boy to be his boyfriend, for the other members' happiness and his own, because he really wanted to kiss those lips every time he wanted (obviously in safe spaces) or when they cuddled.


"Hey" greets Jake, back from vocal practice, that evening "what are you two doing?" He asks Sunghoon and Heeseung, while plopping down on the couch where the latter is seated, legs moving to his lap and head on his shoulder.

"Oh, just some games" replies Sunghoon, seated on the other couch "do I have to leave? You wanna spend some time alone with your boyfriend?" He teases him, loving how he flushes red and "yah! Stop it and keep on playing" Jake replies while pouting, only for a shy smile to appear when he thinks about the elder being his boyfriend for real. "If you wanna go, I won't complain" says Heeseung instead, with a smug smile then smirking at Sunghoon, which laughed but shook his head in disbelief.

"Hyung, you are lucky I love Jaeyun-ah as if he was my own brother, you punk, and that you are the eldest and my best friend at that" he replies, saving the game and punching Heeseung's shoulder while smiling at Jake "Treat him good, or I will fight you, hyung" and Jake is fully red by now, even tho this became a recurrent scene whenever it's just the three of them and the youngest leaves them alone "Hoon-ah, just go please, I love you, but go" whines Jake, hiding his face in the older's shoulder.

"Okay okay, lovebirds, bye, I'll text the others to leave you two alone when they come back" and like that, he is gone in their bedroom, texting Jay about it.

"I can't believe he is like this only when it's just us, that guy..." says Heeseung, pulling Jake so that he is properly seated on his lap "hey" he says then, sweetly, looking the younger in the eyes, arms around his waist.

"Hi, hyung" and he moves his legs so that they are hugging his hips, then puts his arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape.

"How was practice?" Heeseung asks, bringing his face in the crook of his neck, sniffling Jake's own odor "I missed you" Jake closes his eyes at the contact and "Good, not too hard, I even met one of TXT's sunbae while taking a rest, he got the wrong room" he lets out an airy laugh "it looks like it happens a lot in that building" he continues, Heeseung now laughing with him, then "and I missed you too"

The oldest nods, hugging him tighter "we have a packed day tomorrow, with all that filming for our debut, I want you to myself today" he says leaving gentle kisses on his neck, which tickle Jake at first, but then it's just pleasurable - not in a sexual way, it just sends shivers down his spine.

"Will you sleep with me? I don't care about the cams, the staff already know we are attached to the hips, the editors will surely leave it out if they use these footages for something, but I really want to" the shorter asks - he never knew he was this clingy before, but with the members (especially the guy he was currently hugging and Sunghoon) he was really touchy and always wanted someone to phisically lean on to.

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