Happy birthday Jake

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N/A: Hello! I am back after quite some time with a new Heejake story!
Sorry, but I had really a lot of things happening to me lately, and not always good ones...
I promise I'll try to upload sooner next time
It's 2 am and there's probably some errors, so I will edit it when I wake up in the morning!
It's shorter than usual, but I hope you like it!
Enjoy it! 🥰
Thank you for reading!

P.s. this was inspired by Heeseung's tweet, so thank him if I wrote this and kinda got out of my slump!
And please, let me know in the comments if you like it, it really motivates me to write more! And maybe also suggest me a Heejake story to write!


The members wanted to celebrate Jake's birthday all seven together, then they would go to bed, so they were all in their living room, waiting for midnight to strike.

Sunoo was the one to watch the time, and when it stroke 23:59, he warned the others and they all stopped what they were doing.

At midnight they all jumped to wish him happy birthday, hugging him and falling, creating a messy pile on the couch.

When they calm a bit, Heeseung is obviously the one getting the cake, lighting the candles and bringing it in the living room.

They all sing the birthday song and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKEEEE" they all shout in english at the end, while he blows the candles, clapping their hands.

"Waa, it's already your second birthday with us hyung!! No prank this year tho, sadly..." says Niki, smiling (read: laughing) at him.

"Ooh right, the prank we planned last year!! It was funny!" remembers Sunoo.

"It was funny, but I remember feeling bad for ignoring Jaeyunie all day during our debut album preparations" intrudes Sunghoon.

"Because you're a real one, Hoon-ah, my soulmate, you love me, unlike someone else" says Jake, fake sulking and side-eyeing the members in a teasing way "Oh shut up! We even prepared you a cake! We decorated it for you!" says Sunoo pouting, interrupting him and crossing his arms "we spent half an hour on it!" he reminds him.

Jake laughs at the younger and "Sunoo-yah, I was kidding c'mon" he goes to hug him "I am really thankful! It was a good surprise after all! That's probably one of the best pre-debut days with you guys!" he finishes, still hugging him.

"Yeah, surely not for your birthday surprise" teases Jay "or am I wrong?"

Jake blushes furiously, remembering what else happened that day "well... it was because of the surprise as well! Don't tease me!" he says with a high pitched voice, embarassed "you are just lucky that you and Sunghoon got together way before knowing us."

"Hell no, we are not, y'all tease us anyway! And you guys got to ruin not ONE, but TWO anniversaries! And the last one got ruined by your boyfriend here! You want me to ruin yours today?" he challenges him with a smirk.

"Don't you even dare!!" retorts Jake, then "from next year, maybe."

"Babe don't give him ideas!" whines Heeseung, that was listening to their banter "he is evil, he won't just ruin it with a message or a call" he continues, talking to Jake, then to Jay "and I didn't do it on purpose last time! I genuinely forgot!! I just always rely on you because you are the oldest after me, but I do contact Jungwonie too! Tell him."

Jungwon, as the kind leader he is, and for the sake of Jake, nods "it's true hyung, so stop messing around, it's late! Let's tidy up and go to bed! You can finally sleep with Sunghoon hyung after weeks, shouldn't you let Jaeyun hyung breathe for today? He is doing you a favour, it's been weeks that you're complaining that because of the comeback and covid you couldn't sleep together that much, today you can and you're wasting time" he laughs out, shaking his head.

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