Lazy evening

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A/N: this story was inspired by that Heeseung's vlive, because Jake and Heeseung are so soft for each others and their smiles when they are together are everything... I also noticed that there is a lot of physical touch with one another when they sit next to each others, so yeah... I wrote this in like an hour after that live finished

Heeseung is gone for Jake, and when he calls him during the live, he can't help but smile the whole time, and when he visits him right after, the older can't help but touch and lean onto him.

Even tho he resists the urge to bring the other in a back hug the moment Jake moves behind his chair to talk to engenes, he still asks him if he wants to continue the vlive with him.

He was less smiley before and after the interaction with Jake, but with him he can't help the happiness he feels.

After his vlive, Heeseung texts the younger to know how long he has to record, and if he can visit him or he's too busy, and tells him that while waiting for a reply, he will just work on some songs he is trying to write.

The reply comes after about an hour and a half and the texts say: 

Jaeyun 💘
Babe sorryyy, I didn't check my phone after i visited you 🥺
But I just finished, coming to you, wait for me ❤🥰

Heeseung doesn't even have the time to read the text, that someone is knocking softly on the door and opening it without waiting for an answer, Jake's face appearing right in front of him.

"How were you so sure I would still be here?" Is the first thing Heeseung asks the younger.

"Well, you implied it in your text hyung, and when we are both at the company, you always wait for me, even when we have different schedules" he replies, taking his mask off and going to sit on his lap, hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"You're not wrong, but I could have had a schedule we forgot about and be in another room..." says Heeseung, grinning and loosening the hug to look at him in the face "nice one babe, you always makes me laugh" says Jake in english, making it clear to the other that he is making fun of him, and that he does not fall into his trap "you really always makes me laugh, but this one was just not it hyung, you can't fool me" he smiles, looking at him with loving eyes "are you done? Or do you want to work a bit more? I can help you" he continues, kissing him on his cheek, then leaning his head on his shoulder and kissing his jaw.

"Keep kissing me like that, and we won't do anything related to work agiya" he says, focused on the screen, but getting distracted by the younger.
"Mmh... Tempting, but you know that I am paranoid if we do something here, so I'll just stop. Unless you want to just kiss me for at least half an hour, you know... To make up for the time we spent apart today. Those 4 minutes between the call and my visit during the live weren't enough, I need my Heeseung dose right now" he continues, arms around his neck and just hugging him tightly "we can still shower together at the dorm tho, I won't oppose to that, screw the teasing from the others" he finishes, sound muffled by his arms.

"That, we can do it, both the kissing and the shower, today was really packed, we didn't see each other that much and I missed you, if you couldn't tell during the live" he replies, bringing his arms on his waist, under his flannel.

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