Sleepless night

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I have had this in my drafts for a week, and the last en-o'clock gave me the strength to finish writing it (which was not that easy, being that my brain is like "do this instead" every half an hour, but yeah! Here I am 😂😅)!
Jake was just so clingy with Heeseung, and Hee is so soft and whipped for Jake, I can't help it 😭😭
As always English is not my first language.
And this is set in a casual day between today and the day they got together, so you can imagine them with their current, or old hairstyles, this is up to you.
Enjoy the read ❤ I hope you like it

Jake couldn't sleep, he kept stirring in his bed.

It was around 2 o'clock, they had a fairly tiring day at the company, between vocal lessons and dance practice, yet he wasn't sleeping yet.

He decided to use his phone for a while, he visited some socials, looking through some weverse posts - reading what their fans wanted to say to them, he liked spending time like that - then headed to twitter, looking through their mentions first, and indirect tweets after, he saw many tweets, but he decided he didn't need that at the moment, so he closed the app and just opted to try and sleep again.


It was probably around 20 minutes after, and he was still turning helplessy in his bed, sighing from time to time, he still couldn't fall asleep and he was getting nervous.

Jay must've heard him, because at yet another turn in bed he told Jake in english, so the younger could understand perfectly every word, "for God's sake Jake, if you don't stop turning around in that damn bed, I will hit you with the pillow", and he knew Jay was serious, so he got up and "sorry, I'm going to drink some water and then I'll try and see if maybe I feel better on the couch, keep sleeping" he said, hearing a muffled "okay" right before opening the door.

When he arrived in the kitchen, he was surprised to see the lights on, and even more when he saw Heeseung with his phone in hand "hyung! What are you doing here?" he immediately asked, going for a bottle of water from the fridge and then sitting next to him.

He took a sip of water, then leaned his head on the eldest shoulder, engulfing him in his arms "you couldn't sleep too?" he asked again, to which Heeseung hummed, phone now forgotten on the table "yeah... I don't know what's going on, but I can't fall asleep, the bed suddenly felt uncomfortable".

"Mine too, I kept tossing and turning in bed and Jongseongie basically kicked me out" he stifled a laugh, taking his boyfriend's arm and putting it on his shoulders, then "but I am happy to see you, I was going to try sleep on the couch after drinking" intertwining their fingers.

"We haven't spent some time alone in a while. Just you and me, talking about anything..." said Heeseung after a while of silence, then continued "I know we see each other basically every day, but I missed you, even just a simple hug is making me feel better" he turned his face and left a kiss on Jake's head.

The younger hummed in agreement, enjoying the feeling.

Hugging Heeseung was his favourite thing to do, whenever they were seated next to each other he always felt the need to get closer to the oldest one, especially when he laughed - he would always lean toward the other, touching him in some way.

It's not that he didn't like the others, because he was clingy with Sunghoon and Ni-Ki too, and he hugged the others as well sometimes, but with Heeseung it was obviously different.

He detached himself from Heeseung and turned his body to fully face the older, then with both his hands he took his face and leaned closer "I love you so much" their foreheads were attached, and Jake moved his face to go for a kiss.

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