Chapter 13 - Realizations and Desires

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Yamguchi's phone fell onto his face as it slipped from his hands. He hardly registered the pain in his state of shock.

Romantic feelings.

No, surely not. Out of everything there was no possible way that Yamaguchi felt somehing like that for Tsukishima. Tsukishima was a cold jerk.

Yamaguchi shook his head. Tsukishima wasn't a jerk. His Tsukishima was a kind, thoughtful, caring, smart, cool-headed, careful, adorable, supportive person.

Yamaguchi's eyes widdened at his own thoughts. His Tsukishima? Adorable?

Yamaguchi laughed. Tsukishima and adorable were not titles that went together. Sure, when Tsukishima scrunched up his nose to try to push his glasses back up when his hands were busy was pretty cute. Fine, when he smiled and laughed, a part of Yamaguchi melted. Maybe, just maybe, whenever they touched Yamaguchi felt as if he had been electrocuted. But somehow, electrocuted in a good way.

Yamaguchi covered his face with his hands as these thoughts flew through his mind. Thoughts of Tsukishima meeting his eyes in class, Tsukishima always looking at Yamaguchi first after he landed a block, Tsukishima always listening to whatever weird dream Yamaguchi had the night before when they were eating lunch, Tsukishima smiling at him after Yamaguchi did a jumpfloat serve.

Tsukishima buying him Strawberry Mentos.

Yamaguchi was a blushing mess. Did he actually like Tsukishima? 

"Pft, no way," Yamaguchi waved his hand as he dissmissed the thought. "If I like Tsukki, then that would mean I'm gay, and I'm not, so there. Pure logic."

Ever heard of being bisexual?

"Shut up brain, I don't like Tsukki." Yamaguchi shook his head, he couldn't like Tsukishima. If he did then Tsukishima would be so disgusted with him.

Not disgusted with the fact that Yamaguchi liked another boy, Tsukishima didn't care about that, but he would be disgusted that the boy Yamaguchi liked was him.

Yamaguchi was Tsukishima's best friend, but Yamaguchi was just getting comfortable calling himself that. He was just getting comfortable walking beside Tsukishima, but now, he wanted to hold his hand while doing so. Everytime he greeted Tsukishima in the morning, he didn't want to just wave, he wanted to wrap his arms around him and just stay there for awhile. He was getting too greedy.

Crap, maybe I do like him...


"Good morning, Tada- Woah! What's this?"

"For you!" Yamaguchi said loudly as he shoved the package into Tsukishima's chest.

Tsukishima took it from him and looked at the lable, "Black licorice? You remembered my favorite candy?"

Yamaguchi tilted his head, feeling stung as Tsukishima looked away from him quickly. "Of course I remembered."

Yamaguchi took note of the way Tsukishima's ears turned red, "We should head to school."

Yamaguchi nodded, "Sure."

As they started walking, Yamaguchi felt his hand itching to grab Tsukisima's. He shoved his hands into his pockets, he would not hold his hand.

"Say, how did you get this licorice? The stores are barely open at this time," Tsukishima asked, putting the package into his bag for later.

"I've had it for awhile just never remembered to bring it I guess, heh..." Yamaguchi tried to laugh. He wasn't about to tell Tsukishima that he had ran to the nearest store in the middle of the night last night just to buy that.

Tsukishima looked at him, eyes scanning his face.

"W-What is it? Is something wrong?" Yamaguchi asked, flustered at the intense gaze his friend was giving him.

"You're acting strange."

Nice going Tadashi. You've done nothing for him, so now he thinks you getting him a gift is strange.

Tsukishima looked forwards, a light blush dusting his face, "Hey, uh, wanna listen to some music?"

Yamaguchi looked at him, "Out loud? A little early for that isn't it?"

Tsukishima flicked the side of his head, "Idiot. I have earbuds."

Yamaguchi pouted, "That hurt." He paused as he thought about what Tsukishima had just said, "Wait! You mean, like, share the earbuds?"

Tsukishima nodded, plugging the earbuds into his phone. "Here," he handed one to Yamaguchi, "You're going to have to come closer though."

Tsukishima put a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder and brought him closer. Yamaguchi stood up straighter as the electrocuting feeling returned. He put the headphone in his ear as Tsukishima did the same. Yamaguchi tried not to blush as he realized what was happening, Tsukishima had handed him the ear bud that would go in his far ear, meaning they were standing very close together.

Tsukishima pressed play on his phone, "Hey, Tadashi?"

Yamaguchi was to flustered to form words, "Hm?"

"Why are you walking with your hands in your pockets? It's not cold," Tsukishima stated as he took Yamaguchi's hand and held it in his own. "But if you think it is, I'll take this one."

Yamaguchi felt like he would melt and freeze at the same time. Why is he so cute? Oh my god, I can't take this.

"Hey, are you alright? You look like you're about to throw up," Tsukishima said, sounding concerned.

"I'm okay! Yup, never been better," Yamaguchi laughed. You over did it Tadashi, now he thinks you're weird.

Tsukishima shrugged, "If you say so."


"Nice serve."

Yamaguchi looked at Tsukishima who was now walking away. He felt heat rise to his face, Tsukishima didn't normally compliment him on his serves.

"Hey! Nice serve Yama-" Hinata cut himself off, "Really? You're going to go get sick now too? Tsukishima had a fever and now you do?"

"Huh? I don't have a fever," Yamaguchi said, wondering what he was talking about.

"He's talking about you're face being as red as a tornado," Kageyama said, standing beside Hinata.

"Pft, it's not a 'tornado', stupid, that's the weather thing," Hinata said, 'correcting' Kageyama's misuse of the English word.

"Then what is the right word, idiot?" Kageyama asked.

"The word is 'potato'. I remember because it's a vegetable," Hinata said, seeming very proud of himself.

"The word is 'tomato' and it's a fruit, but of course you two wouldn't know that," Tsukishima said walking back over. He looked at Yamaguchi, "But they are right about one thing, your face is quite red."

His voice is so attractive.

"Woah, Kageyama look, it got even more red."


Tsukishima glared at them, "Go make use of yourselves somewhere else, you're giving me a headache."

"Yes ma'am," Hinata said walking away.

"I'm pretty sure the word is 'sir'," Kageyama said, following his spiker and confused at his English.

"I know that. I did it on purpose."

Tsukishima sighed and turned his attention back to Yamaguchi, "Are you feeling alright though, you do look like you could have a fever."

Yamaguchi's heart leapt to his throat, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine!"

Tsukishima frowned slightly, looking sad. "Tadashi, you know I won't pry, but something is clearly bothering you."

Crap! Now I've dissapointed him. But, I can't tell him this time. What do I do?

Yamaguchi looked down at his shoes, "I can't tell you this time, Tsukki. I'm sorry." 

Yamaguchi turned around and walked out of the gym. Alone.

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