Chapter 28 - Flavours and Good Nights

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"Ah, it's so hot out," Yamaguchi complained. "Hey, Tsukki! We should get ice cream, can we?"

Tsukishima nodded and smiled, "I was thinking the same thing."

"Ice cream?" Hinata perked up. "Can we go Kageyama? Please?"

Kageyama finished changing before he answered, "Don't invite yourself to things. If they'll let us then we can, but I don't know."

"Kageyama, when did you become responsible?" Yamaguchi asked, laughing slightly. The four of them had been the last ones to leave practice, and were now the last to leave the club room.

Hinata looked between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and back again, "Can we come?"

Yamaguchi looked to Tsukishima, who only shrugged. "Why not?" Yamaguchi answered.

"Yes!" Hinata cheered. "Kageyama, what flavour are you going to get?"

The group began walking in the direction of the main street. "I'm not sure," Kageyama replied with a shrug, "Probably cookies and cream or something."

"Cookies and cream?" Hinata echoed loudly, sounding offended at the words. "You- You like cookies and cream?"

Kageyama nodded once, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Cookies and cream is," Hinata paused searching for a word then shook his head. "It's not very good."

"It's not good? That's your reason?" Kageyama shook his head. "What flavour do you like then?"

"Mint chocolate chip!" Hinata declared proudly. "It's refreshing and it tastes good."

"It tastes like toothpaste," Kageyama stated dryly. "You like that taste?"

Tsukishima opened his mouth to say something then thought better of it. Yamaguchi saw anyway and laughed, "Tsukki, you like that flavour too, don't you?"

"Huh? Tsukishima you too?" Hinata asked in disbelief. "I would have thought you would like plain flavours, like vanilla or plain strawberry or something. Something boring."

"Hey!" Yamaguchi protested. "Plain flavours are good too!"

"They can be," Tsukishima agreed, "But adding something to it makes it better." He ruffled Yamaguchi's hair quickly, smiling fondly.

"Pft, Tsukishima, you're so soft when it comes to Yamaguchi," Hinata laughed. "You're so lime."

"Lime?" Tsukishima repeated, confused.

Kageyama swatted Hinata's arm, "That's a fruit, you moron! The word is bind."

"Do you- do you mean kind?" Yamaguchi asked, looking between them like they had some other language for themselves. "You guys must work on your English, it's in need of help, a lot of it."

"It's not that bad!" Hinata insisted, then turned to Kageyama, "Right?"

Kageyama nodded, "They're over experiencing."

"Exactly!" Hinata agreed quickly.

"You mean over exaggerating?" Tsukishima corrected then shook his head, "I'm more impressed that you guys understand each other without using the right terms."

"Hehe, you hear that Kagey, we impressed him," Hinata laughed.

Tsukishima stiffled a laugh at Kageyama's reaction to the nickname and Yamaguchi stepped on his foot to shut him up.

"Kagey?" Kageyama repeated, looking sufficiently flustered.

Hinata flushed, "Ah! That just slipped out, I did not mean to say that."

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