Chapter 21 - Clarity and Titles

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Yamaguchi's eyes grew wide, his lips parted in surprise, "You- What?"

"I like you, more then your average friend would," Tsukishima told him again.

Yamaguchi shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around what he was being told. "More then a friend? Oh!" Colour spread across his face.

Tsukishima nodded as Yamaguchi came to an understanding of his feelings, smiling awkwardly, "Yes. I like you as-"

"A brother!" Yamaguchi interrupted. "You know, you didn't have to go through all that more-than-a-friend stuff, you could have just told me."

The energy seemed to drain out of Tsukishima, he rested his head in his hands. "I don't like you as a brother either," he told Yamaguchi, his voice strained.

"Huh?" Yamaguchi was even more confused now. If he didn't love him as a friend or as family, then it only left one other option, the option that Yamaguchi wanted more then anything, but didn't belive that it would ever happen. "Then, what?"

Tsukishima looked up, meeting Yamaguchi's eyes directly, no room for miscommunication or doubt. "I like you, I love you as more then a friend could, past the bonds of family, and further. I love you in the way that causes me nausea whenever I see you, I love you in the way that in every little touch we share, I feel as though electricity is flowing through me.

"I love you in the way that I want to spend every minute, every hour, every second that we are given to live on this planet, with you." Tsukishima laughed softly, "And if you still manage to confuse my feelings with something else, let me just tell you clearly. I like you romantically, Yamaguchi Tadashi, so please, don't make me explain myself again."

Yamaguchi could only stare at him in shock, repeating the word to himself.


Yamaguchi had convinced himself that there was no possible way that Tsukishima would ever feel the same way. There must be some mistake somewhere, right?

But Tsukishima had told him clearly that it was romantic, no room for mistakes. So, Yamaguchi's feelings were requited? It was that easy? Well, nothing had been easy about this, but still, could it really only be Yamaguchi's response that was stopping them from being more than friends?

"Um, I know you're probably confused right now, but I just kinda poured my heart out to you," Tsukishima said awkwardly, breaking the silence that had stretched out between them. "I don't want to rush you for a response, but if you don't feel the same way, could you just tell m-"

Yamaguchi cut him off, putting his hand over Tsukishima's, "I- I feel the same way, idiot. I have this whole time," he told him, face flushed from what he had just done.

Tsukishima's eyes lit up, a soft smile playing on his lips, "Really? You do?"

"I have since you caught that cold," Yamaguchi replied, warmth flowing through him. "The real one, that is. Well, I suppose that was the day I realized it. I have liked you for so long, I can't even remember when it turned from loving you as a friend to more."

Yamaguchi could practically see Tsukishima's walls coming down in his eyes. He finally saw clear emotions in his eyes, it melted a small part inside of him, finally being able to understand him without words or signals.

Tsukishima's small smile turned into a grin, something Yamaguchi hadn't seen on Tsukishima's face since they were children.

If he keeps being this adorable, I might actually melt. 

"Fair warning," Tsukishima said, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, "If you allow me too, I might become touchy. I've wanted to do some things for quite a while."

Yamaguchi's eyes lit up, excitment coming over him. He had dreamed of a clingy Tsukishima, but never thought that he might actually get to see it. He thought that they're physical contact would be limited to holding hands, maybe the occasinal hug.

Yamaguchi nodded excitedly, "Of course I'll let you! Truth be told, I've always wanted you to be a little clingy," Yamaguchi said, laughing softly.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Tsukishima brought his face close to Yamaguchi's, noses almost touching.

Is he about to kiss me?

Yamaguchi leaned back a little, "Isn't this a little too-"

Tsukishima ghosted his fingers across Yamaguchi's sides, causing the latter to cut himself off with a laugh. Yamaguchi had been ticklish in their childhood, which left pleasent memories with Tsukishima, and embarrassing memories with Yamaguchi.

"I was right, then," Tsukishima stated, then repeated the movement with more intent.

"H-Hey! I-" Yamaguchi protested, before slipping into a fit of giggles as Tsukishima started actually tickling him.

Yamaguchi's struggling continued for a few minutes before he actually almost ran out of breath. "S-Stop! Time out! I'm done," Yamaguchi managed between laughs.

"Alright, alright," Tsukishima replied, holding his hand up by his head. "I've had my fun."

Yamaguchi glared at him playfully, "You bet you have. Don't do that, you know-" Yamaguchi cut himself off, realizing their awkward position. 

Yamaguchi had tried to wriggle out of Tsukishima's reach, and ended up on his back. Tsukishima had come forward on his knees, hoping to continue the battle. Neither had realized that Tsukishima had ended up straddling Yamaguchi.

Tsukishima flicked Yamaguchi in the center of his forehead, "Ow! You have got to stop doing that." Yamaguchi sighed, bringing his hands up to cover where he had been hit, "You know what? I think-"

Tsukishima pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Yamaguchi's hand that was guarding his head. "Think what?"

"I, uh, forgot?" Yamaguchi said weakly, slightly dazed.

Tsukishima laughed, "You are so adorable, you know that?"

A light blush crossed Yamaguchi's face, "Whatever! If you want to kiss me, you don't have to assult me first!"

"I'll keep that in mind," Tsukishima replied, amusment showing in his tone. He got off of Yamaguchi and sat back normally on the couch. "I don't want to ruin the mood, but we need to talk."

Yamaguchi sat up sharply, not being able to help the thought questioning if Tsukishima was just messing with him. "What about?" Yamaguchi placed his hands on either side of himself, as if to stabilize himself.

"I recognize that look," Tsukishima stated. He placed a reassuring hand over top of Yamaguchi's, "It's nothing bad, we just need to clear somethings up. Like, are we still just friends, but we touch every now and then, or-"

Yamaguchi laughed, "I'm pretty sure that with the speech you gave, neither of us would be able to live with that."

"In that case," Tsukishima cleared his throat and smiled softly, "Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

Yamaguchi let the grin spread across his face, "It would be my pleasure."

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