Of Birthdays and Secret Admirers

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"It's my birthday today…"

Kakashi stares at the ceiling with a blank vacant expression, the book Icha Icha lying open beside him on the bed forgotten. He turns 30 today, a milestone age for a ninja, yet it seems like he's spending it alone. Just like most of his other birthdays.

"Maa…," Kakashi says to himself, devoid of emotion. "Feeling sorry for yourself, again on your birthday?" He sighs and turns over on his bed, getting ready to sleep. He murmurs, "Oh well. There's no one left who remembers anyway." He exhales and lets himself relax, his eyelids start to fall. 

Then a voice comes from the window, laced with false sympathy. "Well... this is very sad."

Kakashi's eyes shoot open. He jumps into a defensive position on his bed, facing the window with a kunai in hand. He sees a cloaked figure hunched on his windowsill, half leaning in and half sitting, wearing a bright orange mask with a swirl design etched on its surface.

The masked man speaks again, shaking his head from side to side, "...I can't believe you are alone on your birthday, Copy-san. I thought you were a popular guy." He sighs and slouches his shoulders.

Kakashi focuses his eyes on the strange man, studying his features. He notices the dark cloak, the red clouds, the bright orange mask… then remembers a similar description from the bingo book.

It's the newest Akatsuki member! Tobi!

Kakashi seethes. He points the kunai at Tobi and says with a growl, "How did you get here? And how did you sneak past the barrier?"

"The barrier?" Tobi asks, confused. "Oh, you mean that sphere thing surrounding the outside of the village? Hmm…" He tilts his head and holds his chin in a thinking pose, humming a singular note. Kakashi watches him warily. Then Tobi shrugs. He says matter-of-fact, "Well I can't tell you. It's my secret move, and I don't want you to tell anyone about it." He giggles.

Kakashi narrows his eyes. Tobi's behavior seems immature, but his experience tells him it could be a farce. Kakashi has dealt with his share of odd opponents–all of them with unique personalities and fighting techniques– But this one is… different.

That doesn't mean he's not dangerous.

"Ok then," Kakashi says, still on his guard. It doesn't seem like Tobi will attack him anytime soon, but perhaps he can figure out the Akatsuki's motives through normal conversation. He stands up straighter and carefully steps off the bed. "Well then, what do you want? Why are you here?"

Tobi remains on his perch, but watches Kakashi's moves very carefully. He tilts his head and emits a thoughtful hum. "Why do you want to know?” he says, innocently. “Does there need to be a reason?"

Kakashi scoffs. He gets to the center of the room, directly in line with Tobi on the windowsill. “Yes...,” he insists.

"Hmph," Tobi grunts. He leans back on the frame, letting one leg dangle into the room, the other hanging outside the window. "How nosy," he says, crossing his arms and facing his head away. He huffs, "Just for that, I don't want to tell you. Hmph!"

Kakashi raises his brows, stunned by the Akatsuki’s sudden change of attitude. Then his eyes narrow at the other man, his face deadpan. "Says the person currently intruding into my home," he mumbles.

Tobi shifts, but keeps his chin turned and facing away. But he watches Kakashi out of the corner of his eye.

Keeping his eyes on Tobi, Kakashi takes in the situation. He knows there isn't much information on the masked man; nothing about his temperament, his abilities, or any clue of his origins. It's suspicious how little they know about him, not to mention how troubling it is that he was able to sneak into the village without raising any alarm. Kakashi could only theorize how that's possible.

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