Chapter 12

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Yeah it's short I know, but it's kind of a filler for the GOOD STUFF. I am sorry for updating late, but it will get good the next few chapters, I promise.

Chapter 12

I had to find my favorite book in the whole world as I have told many people, or anyone that really wants to know. I love many books, they are my friends and my enemies, created by people who think too much and are not listened too, unless it's read.

I walked through the library. It was large, with white steps out front to walk up into. It felt very empty of people but full of others who were waiting for me to talk to them, or to listen. To read the stories of those who exist somewhere or another. I walked passed empty desks and into the rows and rows of shelves of my favorite things.

The sound of echoed through out the library, and I realized that I was alone. I passed desks that were empty, when I expected them, or at least just one, to have someone. There was no librarian or anyone that worked there, or knew the place well. It was huge and I was alone. I didn't mind as much as I would have thought, because I enjoyed being alone when I had my books.

I found the fiction section, after looking around for a while, whether minutes or hours I am unsure. The books were far above me and I walked down one aisle, to find any kind of book that I enjoyed. My hands stayed at my sides and my eyes wondered across each spine.

My mind rolled through the list of books I enjoy, going one and then the next and then the next. I finally decided on a book to read, though I have read it before, and went looking for it. Hopefully I would be able to find my way around, I was good at navigating these aisles.

I went around a corner and found the area that should have this book.

"Richard," I wanted to smile, but I didn't. He was leaning against one of the shelves of books. I was happy to see him, as I often am. He was a good guy, I knew that, but it still stopped me from going any farther.

I walked up to him, suddenly noticing the difference as he turned to face me. He smiled, half smile as was normal, but he had a suit on. Black jacket, white shirt, black tie, as was normal for them, but not for who I know him to be. His eyes were much brighter than I remember too, a bright, shining blue towards me.

He just stood there, and smiled, with his hands behind his back. He nodded at me, and let me find the book I wanted to look for.

I looked for that one book I wanted, looking across the spines as before and trying to find the name I wanted. It slowly got higher, till I actually did find this book that I searched for. It was too high, just barely, for me to grab it and pull it out. I sighed.

"Could you help me?" I asked him, "Just need another inch and you seem to have that, so please?" Richard smiled still, and turned towards the rows and rows of books. He found the one I wanted and pulled it off the shelf. He handed it towards me, which I quickly took from him, "Thank you," I breathed quietly.

He brushed his hand over my face, shocking me and making me want to move back quickly and away from him. Your worst enemy was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some visible symptom

He smiled and turned around, walking away from me and to where ever he was going. I almost followed him, but then decided against it. I would see him again sometime, I knew that. I turned around and walked another way.

I turned towards somewhere else, wondering where I should go to read these words. I walked in one direction, not sure whether or not I had come from that direction or not, and found myself in a small corner of this large building.

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