Chapter 17

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Long ass chapter for you people, you are welcome. Also if you see *ITALICS* anywhere, that was me marking where I needed italics, so don't worry about that. Thank you and ENJOY! 

Chapter 17

Things happen, they are slightly important I guess, but it's what changes that is important, and that was a Friday. It was just one day of the week, like every other day, or it was supposed to be like every other day but didn't really turn out that way.

I was back at the front door, like for the last few days, yet this time, I didn't have books for him to read or learn from, I was normally dressed, and I did my absolute best to have no emotion on my face. I didn't want anything to be sent to Richard, not yet at least. I don't know what I've told him, but I truly don't know if he has heard any of it. He knows my middle name, and that's where my own knowledge ends. 

At least, about what I understand about us.

Knocking on the door, I waited patiently and with a slight shake for someone, particularly not Richard, to open the door. His mother, or step father, seemed nice enough to answer, I surely hoped they would, just for a moment. 

The last week has been nearly uneventful. I learned that he was born July 7th, he couldn't drive too well, he liked to wear his rings on his pinkie because they hardly fit on any other finger, and he has friends that I just haven't met. I told him about my near sightedness, that I was born December 10, I had Lola as a friend, and I didn't enjoy wearing jewelry. 

I wasn't kissed again, and my hand was free to be mine. But he didn't seem as happy as he was, the week before.  If I was away, I do not believe I would come back.

"Dewey," Of course.

"Richard," His house smelled nice, slapping me in the face with home cooked food unlike usual, where I smelled him.

"Alright?" From what I could tell, he badly wanted to say more, but he didn't bring himself to say anymore, and I wasn't quite sure why then, but I understand why now. 

"Are you asking how I am, or are you asking if I am, as you say, 'alright'?" Richard smiled, the smile I hadn't seen in a week.

"How are you?"

"Alright," His step-father, Harry came up behind, similar in height but truly nothing else to Richard, and smiled at me differently, as if I was a guest and not someone actually thought about in day to day life. 

"Ello, we are very happy to have you," He didn't seem as though he was lying, which was a nice thought. 

"Thank you, your family has been so nice to me," I wasn't really talking to Harry, I was looking Richard in the eye, though the lenses of my glasses. He held onto the smile, just enough for me to see, and most likely no on else. I don't think it mattered anyway. Nothing was going to be said between us, right?

"Right, well come inside Ms.Dewey," Harry moved Richard to the side, not strongly enough to be threatening, but enough to get him to move. Richard didn't notice, or care, he was too occupied with me standing there.

His mother was just done with setting the table, she wiped her hands on her apron and smiled at me similar to her only child. Maybe she saw me as someone who could be a daughter. She seemed just fine, but I am not a good child for any parent, "Richard don't just stand there, get ready for dinner!" He sighed and looked at me once, not wanting to go but listening to his mother anyway and climbing up the stairs to his room or some other place, "The young Dewey, please sit and wait, I am almost done with dinner,"

I sat down on the small couch, leaving my hands in my lap and waiting for his return. I looked at this family, and simply thought. There is no finer and no worse people in the world. No kinder people and no crueler. 

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