Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was ridiculous. This is ridiculous. I hate it with undying anger. Why did I say yes to this? Didn't I understand that going out with other people was not that nice of a thing to do? Why would I want to leave my room and go anywhere? 

"Dewey! Don't you want to look pretty?" I didn't really think pretty was on the mind for me, since people didn't think I could ever be a pretty girl. A pretty bird really was something I never wanted to be as a person, but more or less an intelligent woman that understands this world around me. 

"No Lola, I do not want to look pretty," She continued to try to drag me up the stairs of her home, while her parents were eating dinner in the kitchen, talking in quite a voice of bland and blankness. I wondered if they even noticed the fact that they had a daughter. Why didn't they notice her? I looked at Lola, and her smile, and I don't think she noticed them. 

"Come on," She tugged me up the stairs, and I figured maybe there was more to all of this than making the strange neighbor pretty. So I let it go. She shoved me into her bathroom, locking the door, and smiling largely. 

"I'm going to look like a clown," She giggled and shook her head at that thought and pulled open the drawer, that was full of any kind of thing I was to put on my face to gather more attention. Lola pulled some kind of cream out and took my glasses off my face. 

"No you won't, silly," Her fingers were soft, and she was rather gentle to my face. Maybe I wasn't going to have a red face from long scratching nails, "Don't you want a man?" I raised an eyebrow at the girl, with her silly smile.

"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." She cocked her head to the right in confusion, unsure of what I said to her. So I explained it better, "I do not have the want to have a boyfriend of any kind, I will focus on my growth of my mind," That didn't help her either, "I don't want a boyfriend, I want to be smart," 

"Oh! Ok," She held the smile again. She put down the cream, and picked up some kind of powder. She brushed it over my face. I wished I could see better. I want my glasses back now, please. 

"Can I wear my glasses please?" She smirked a little bit and shook her head. I sighed, and slid my glasses onto my belt. 


I don't really know what I looked like, since I couldn't actually see too well. I hardly got out of changing into some kind of dress for this night, but managed to tell Lola that I had no need for a dress. 

Walking down the street together, the night was soon to be upon this town, in just an hour maybe, probably less. Lola almost seemed to drag me along the sidewalk, while we walked to some club or bar or something of the sort. Where ever all the crazy teens went to party and have their sex in the back of the clubs. 

Lola stopped us at this club, the name escapes me because it really doesn't matter beyond what happens that night. I do recall walking into this crowded club, suddenly smelling some terrible, sweaty, hot and making me nearly fall backwards.

"Please let me go home," I tried to leave but Lola giggled and shoved me into the crowd. People were standing and dancing at the bad on stage, and there were table around the place. There were hallways in the back were people made out as I expected, and a crowded bar were all the teens were getting drunk off their asses. The smoke in the room burned my eyes some. 

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