The Gathering (chapter 1)

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Hayley's pov
The last thing that Hayley felt was the searing pain of being burned alive. When it finally stopped she found herself in the middle of the bayou. She heard distant voices so she followed them. When she reached to where the voices were originating from she saw her family. All of her family was there even her deceased parents and some of the pack that were lost during battle.

It's been a while since I've found peace. I don't know exactly how long though, time works differently here. We're all gathered around the fading fire, talking about anything and everything when suddenly there was this blinding light. When I could see again at first all I saw was darkness. I started to panick because I don't know what the hell is going on. Eventually I heard a few groans and I slowly approached whoever it was still on guard in case I needed to attack. When I got close enough time see their face I was so shocked I did everything but scream. There laid someone I haven't seen in decades, whom I never thought I'd see again.
When she finally got to her feet she stared at me in complete shock and disbelief.

Hope's pov
Me, Lizzie, and Josie were sitting in my room watching Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban because MG challenged Lizzie to watch it so she dragged in me and Josie to watch it with her. We were right at the part where Harry starts blowing up his aunt like a balloon. We were all laughing when suddenly a bright white light appeared and blurred my vision. When I got back up I looked around and realized I wasn't at the Salvatore School anymore. It was pretty hard to see in here but what I could see looked almost like a movie theatre. "Great another malivore monster, just what I needed right now" I thought to myself. Then I heard some people talking in the distance. I slowly walked towards the voices, one of which sounded familiar, too familiar. When I finally got in close distance to the people I heard earlier I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my mom standing right in front of me.
I know I shouldn't have said anything or even think about it because it was probably the Necromancer messing with me. But when she turned around I couldn't help myself. I don't care if it's real or not but my mother who I thought I'd never see again is standing only a few feet away from me.
My mom asked already with tears in her eyes. At that moment I didn't care what would happen to me I just wanted to hug my mom again. I ran up to her and immediately jumped into her arms. It felt so good to actually be able to see her, to feel her touch, and to hug her again. I immediately felt the tears pricking at the back of my eyes.
"I missed you so much mom"
"I know I missed you too baby. My sweet sweet girl"
At that moment I couldn't hold it back anymore, I just let the tears flow freely out of my eyes. I slowly pulled out of her embrace wanting to see her face.
"I thought I'd never see you again"
"I know but I'm here now okay"
She pulled me back in for another hug. When we let go of each other this time I heard a voice coming from behind my mom.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but who is this?"
I was confused as to who this woman was too. I looked at my mom and she slowly turned around facing towards the other woman.
"This is my daughter Hope"
"Who is this mom?"
I asked wondering if she knew her.
"She's an old friend of mine. Rikki meet Hope, Hope meet Rikki"
I looked back at my mom one more time still slightly confused because I thought I had met all of her friends.
"Hi, sorry about earlier I was just confused"
I said to my mom's friend. She smiled and then said,
"No worries, I apologize as well"
I smiled back at her then turned my attention back to my mom.
"Mom where are we?"
"I don't know but I have a feeling it might not be all that good."
"Is it ever?"
I say with a slight hint of sarcasm. Yes, it was good to see my mom again but usually if you get magically transported somewhere it's not good. Especially when other family members are there because it usually means there's a new enemy trying to kill us all.

No one's pov
Caroline and Alaric were on the phone talking about the school and how to recruit more students. Then suddenly out of nowhere there was a bright light that took both of them. Meanwhile Klaus was watching over Hope when he saw her disappear. He started to worry wondering where his daughter could be and what sort of danger she could be in. Right when he was about to scream out in frustration there was a white light that consumed him. The same thing happened with Elijah. In New York Rebekah was sitting in the living room of hers and Marcel's apartment waiting for him to return from grocery shopping. When he walked through the door she sped towards him pulling him in for a kiss. They were so into the kiss that they didn't even notice the bright white light that had consumed the both of them. Almost the exact same thing happened with Kol and Davina only they were caught by the light right before they closed the gap between them. Whilst all that was happening with her other siblings Freya was in New Orleans playing with her son Nick with Keelin. Then there was a bright light consuming only Freya, transporting her to the same place as everyone else.

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