Chap. 1

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"Anthony I am pregnant" Bella said

"I saw the test babe. Deep breathes" I said gentle.

"How are you not freaking out?" Bella asked resting her head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around my girlfriend.

"You are freaking out enough for both of us" I stated

"Do not quote Pretty Little Liars right now Anthony" Bella hissed

I put my hands up in surrender.

"How could this happen? We were using prediction" Bella said pacing the floor.

"A month ago were you on birth control pills?" I asked in realization.

"No. I stopped two months ago" Bella said

"Shit. I thought you were on birth control pills" I said

"Tony what do you mean?" Bella asked

"The condom broke a month ago..."

"Why didnt you tell me?" Bella asked

"I thought you were on birth control pills so I thought we were safe" I said with my voice raising a little.

I took deep breathes and sat on the bed. "I don't want to fight Bell"

"Me either" Bella said sitting down next to me.

Bella wrapped her arm around mine and out her head on my shoulder.

"What now?" Bella asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I think we should tell my parents. I think they will help us" I suggested

"Your parents are the fun and awesome parents" Bella said standing up.

I nodded standing up.

Bella touched her stomach and then ran to the bathroom.

I followed and she started to throw up.

I went in and held her hair and rubbed her back.

"I don't think I can get in your car" Bella said

"I will call my parents to come over ok?" I said

Bella nodded.

I tied Bella's hair up for her and I got up and left the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and call my parent.

"Please dad pick up" I whispered


Great my mom answered.

"Hi mom. can you and dad come to Bella's house?" I asked

"Why?" My mom asked

"Ummm.... please just come we need some help and I don't know who else to call right now Mom please just come" I begged

"We will be there in a few" My mom sighed

"Thank you mom. Love you"

"Love you too"

With that I hung up.

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