Name: Misaki Yuasa
Ultimate: Storyteller
Age: 16 -17
Gender: female
Crush: Kazuichi Souda
Personality: Normally sweet and optimistic, she is always trying to lighten the mood. However, if someone upsets she won't hesitate to make it clear that she isn't happy with them. She does tend to trust people too eaily, often landing her in trouble.
Likes: Stories, Urban Legends, Books, Pranks, The Outdoors
Dislikes: Being interrupted, People getting her name wrong
Negative attributes: Too quick to trust others sometimes
Positive attributes: Optimistic
Clothing/Looks: Brown hair in a braid, purple eyes. A White shirt, with a dark brown vest over the top, lined with pink frills. Black top hat with a dark pink ribbon. Grey eyes. Black glasses, rectangular in shape. Always Carrying a book. Has small cross earrings. Plasters/Band-aids on her fingers because of constantly getting paper cuts when turning the pages in her books.
Killer/victim/survivor: Killer
Execution: "The End"
There will be a book in front of her, and as she reads it she realises it's the story of what's happening right now. The first line reads "She read the book in front of her." She has to read it out loud while it's all happening. Some parts saying "She narrowly avoid the teeth of a wolf" and "She couldn't moved in time as it's fangs sunk into her leg." She soon learn it's the story of her being torn apart by Monokumas in wolf costumes. As the execution ends the book falls to the floor beside revealing the last line saying "The end"
Backstory: WIP
Birthday: November 10th
Voice: Lapis from Steven Universe
OC's for roleplays
Random"Say your prayers for the new generation, Grieve for those who have to fall to the dust." Just so I don't stuff my main oc book with the roleplay versions of my oc's