Ch. 36 ' Conflicts and Letters. (II)

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Scared of opening either of the folded papers, I stare at them for a long time, so long that I get lost in staring at them. The noisy entrance of Sam and Mal into the class is what jolts me back to the present.

"Yesmi! Guess what I got you," Sam says as she sashays towards me, her voice loud enough to wake the dead.

"Sam!" I caution but soon have my share of excitement when my eyes land on the plastic cup in her hand. "Is that ice cream?!"

"Strawberry," Sam mouths.

"You're an angel! Thank you so much." I swoon as I collect the cup from her.

"Oh, I know that." She flips her hair.

I laugh and dig into the ice cream, glancing at Mal at the same time. She went to the side of the class immediately they entered to answer a phone call.

"What's this?" Sam asks, a folded yellow piece of paper in her hand.

My eyes dart in surprise at the table, and I sigh when I see the second piece of paper. I forgot about them in all my ice cream excitedness.

"I don't even know. I got two." I tap the second one on the table. "What happened is . . . " I help myself to a spoonful of the sweet stuff. "This morning, something fell out of my bag as the siren rang. And I guess it was a paper that fell out but—" Another spoon of ice cream goes into my mouth.

Sam crosses her arms. "We could just talk about this and then you'd go back to your ice cream."

"Bhuck chumin. Okay, so," I swallow, spacing out for a second. "Where was I?"

"You were where the paper fell out," Sam says, poker-faced.

"Right. Thank you, for the ice cream." I send another spoonful into my mouth.

"Yesmi, tell me! You're killing me with suspense."

"Sorry, it's just so gooddd," I say as I bring another spoon to my mouth.

Sam groans. "Imma open them."

I watch her open them, heart with ice cream. She opens the yellow-coloured one first and it makes her coo.  The second one makes her forehead etch. She frowns, bringing the paper down and returning her gaze to me.

My eyes bulge in a questioning move, since my mouth is too occupied to say, 'What's written there?'

Sam spreads out both papers on the table, in front of me.

I made some cookies for you. They're hidden in your bag. Let's not fight again, okay? I love you.
Love, Mom.

My heartbeat quickens on reading this. Does this mean she isn't mad at me anymore? That she doesn't believe all the things Bella told her? Like she shouldn't! My stained lips break into a smile.

"Read the second one," Sam says.

Yesmi. I wish you'd stop this. I really wish you'd stop bothering everyone with your presence. Where is my sweet little girl? Is this you rebelling for all those times I left you? I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I truly am. If you want to punish anyone it's me you should come at. Not Jason, or Bella. Please!

I take a long, long look at this letter. It breaks my heart. There's even no love. Just Mom. Just a hurt and probably angry mother . . .

And this letter, for obvious reasons, is more believable. That first one, the one I first read, felt like a dream come true. Like a miracle come to pass. This one is more likely to be her reaction. More like what she would have to say to me.

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