Ch. 45 ' Dear Jason.

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Dear Jason,

Formalities. Merely formalities. You know I ordinarily wouldn't add 'dear'. Not that you're not dear to me, you very much are. It just sounds gross addressing you with that. But I'll let that slide because as I've explained, it's merely a formality. So, pardon me if it makes you cringe, and be rest assured I feel the same way about it.

Stalling. I've been stalling. Now I'll stop being a scaredy-cat and go to the point.

I'm leaving.

No. By the time you'll be reading this, I would've left already. Sweating on a plane and trying not to die of fright before it lands. Those things are so scary!

I know you said to not leave but . . . duh, you don't get to prescribe what I do with my life. Haha. That's what Felicie would've said.

It's just that I have to leave. For everyone's peace. For the betterment of everyone. It hurts me to do so, but staying here hurts even more. I don't want to inconvenience you guys anymore, so I'll leave. So you can go back to living your lives the way it was before I came and disrupted it. I know it won't be the same, but it'll be something, won't it?

I know it'll be something.

You won't have to wake up thinking, 'what chaos will this girl bring into my life today?'

And relieving you guys of the nuisance I am will make me feel better about myself. I've been feeling so awful about myself these days. The feeling . . . it chokes, and I can't take it anymore.

Being here has been so much stress. To me and you especially.

That's why I'm leaving. I'm trying to do one cool thing- come on, you don't get to be the only cool one. When you think of me, you won't think only of all the ways I've hurt you and the awful memories of me, but also how I was willing to leave for the peace of everyone. You'll have at least one good thing to say about me.

And, um . . .

I want to say thank you. For everything.

It's an overused sentence, I know, but I don't have better options.

Thank you for everything you've done for me. For everything you've been to me. For all the times you stood up for me even at your own expense. Thinking about it, I realise you were always doing things for me at your expense, without considering yourself first. Were you looking out for a brother of the year award? If you were, I'm sure you'll win it!

That day at the sickbay, Stelly said you're a sweet soul. Yes, perfect description. I mean, you managed to be a sweet soul even to me.

Knowing you the way I do, I now understand why Mom gushed about you every time she had the chance to during our phone calls. Why she holds you in such high esteem. I can see myself at home in Nigeria gushing about you to Grandma and Grandpa too. Don't worry, I won't tell them you once woke me up by pouring water on me. That would be . . . contradictory? Yes, contradictory.

But that's you, Jason. A jerk and an angel in one body. Tucked so tightly into each other. Perfect for a . . . brother.

To finish this, because I'm starting to get sleepy and want to go back to bed, don't be mad at me.

Please don't be mad at me for leaving. I don't like it when you're mad at me, because you're scary when you're angry. So don't be. Accept my leaving for the good thing it is...

And please don't see it as me running away from you. It's just the situation.

The situation got too hard to bear.

I'll miss you. But just a little little bit, so don't get too big-headed.


Out of context: is it yours faithfully/sincerely for informal letters? I never remember!

Yours (whatever it should be)
Yesmi, the most troublesome sister ever.


FUN FACT; This is the shortest chapter.

Thank you angelehule💛

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