Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello there... I'm very new to all of this. First story haha. I hope you like it anyways... well the first chapter. :) If you don't understand what I'm actually talking about or I have done something wrong please inform me and I will try and correct it. Thanks xox

Chapter 1

He smirked at himself in the mirror, his blue eyes glancing up at his wet messy chestnut locks and down his well-toned body on which a towel was loosely wrapped around his waist, another across his neck.

'I guess playing football does have some perks' he thought to himself as he proceeded to his rather large wardrobe, rubbing his hair with one hand, and searching for a decent looking outfit with the other.

When he was content with the outfit he had picked out, his favourite dark green shirt and a pair of black jeans, he casually got dressed glancing at his Emporio Armani watch as he attached it to his wrist, mentally noting that if he didn't leave the house in the next 5 minutes he would be late for Registration. Which wouldn't be good as it was only the first week of term at his new school.

Rushing down the stairs, he threw his jade green bag over one shoulder which was waiting for him by the front door; he then grabbed his keys off the hook for his black HURACÁN LP 610-4.

As he opened the door, a scowl appeared on his face as he realised it was raining; it was too late for him to go back upstairs to retrieve his umbrella, he just silently prayed that there was one in his car otherwise he was going to be dripping wet by the time he had made it from the school car park, to the school entrance.

Realising he was just standing on the door step staring at the rain like a complete weirdo, he ran towards his car before reversing out the driveway and speeding down the streets of Forrester towards his new school, Forrester High.

Just as he was approaching the school gate he spotted a familiar figure, riding a skateboard, her auburn hair flowing behind her, she stopped swiftly as she had reached her destination, he watched her pick up her skateboard and place it under her arm, making sure none of the dirt from the wheels made it onto her oversized light blue coat and then she walked through the gate.

He smirked again different to the one earlier a more evil kind of smirk, as he pushed his foot down on the pedal and raced towards the gate, deliberately splashing into the rather large puddle on which the girl with the skateboard was standing on the other side of.

He laughed in triumph as that poor girl let out a high pitched scream that would make even grown men quiver as she was drenched from head to toe in cold, muddy water.

Parking his car, he grabbed his things and began running towards registration, not minding so much about the rain as it had given him such entertainment only a few moments ago.

The bell went as he slid into his seat ignoring the eyes of the girls who were staring at him, giggling in their annoying high pitched voices; he turned to his best mate who was sitting to the right of him, as the classroom had desks for two, that same smirk from earlier on his face,

'Ha. Zach you'll never guess what happened this morning...'

Zach raised an eyebrow at his best mate who he had known for 17 years, as they were cousins, and knew instantly what that smirk meant. He sighed and continued to finish the homework which was due for first period, the very same homework which he had planned to do last night but had become somewhat distracted.

'What did you do to her this time Jayce? Nothing that bad I hope, for her sake.'

Jayce's smirk turned into a scowl instantly.

'What makes you think it's anything to do with her?' his voice was a low growl, a warning that the question he just asked was not to be answerered (he was annoyed that his cousin already knew what or rather who he was about to talk about). Zach of course knew this; he just chose to ignore it.

He raised both his eyebrows, half amused but not looking up from his unfinished homework, 'You made the face again.'

Just as Jayce was about to set his cousin straight of how he doesn't make a certain 'face' when talking about her and that he should just shut up and let him continue with his story, when their form tutor Mr. Coleman walked into the room and silence followed.

The chestnut haired boy's eyes darted to the empty seat behind him that smirk upon his face yet again. Victory was his, not only had he drenched her from top to bottom, he had also made her get a late mark, and it was only 9:05am. Today was definitely going to be a good day. Jayce silently thought to himself.

His thoughts were soon interrupted as the door of classroom 27 swung open and a girl with a petite figure no taller than 5ft3" appeared flustered at the door, her auburn hair which was wet and dirty was scraped into a tight bun and her black mascara which was once on her eye lashes was now making its way down her bright pink cheeks. Her cherry pink lips which usually held a smile was now a thin line and her emerald eyes which were glowering with anger were focused on one particular boy.

That particular boy returned her glare with the most charming innocent grin he could muster, which made those annoying high pitched girls giggle again, until they realised who his grin was targeted for and began glaring at that very girl with distaste, making rude comments to each other about her appearance and how unattractive she was.

'Silence.' Mr. Coleman spoke calmly, 'Annabelle why are you late, this is most unlike you?'

Annabelle turned to her favourite teacher and gave him her most apologetic smile, 'I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again.'

'See that it doesn't. Please sit down, I have some important news.'

Annabelle walked down towards the second from back row where her seat was, next to her raven haired best friend, anger plastered all over her face again, her emerald eyes burning into Jayce's blue ones, their eyes locked onto each other's for a moment.

She scowled at him, mouthing the words 'I hate you'

He winked at her mouthing back, 'I love you too baby'

Startled, her cheeks glowing bright pink again as that was quite the opposite of the reaction she was expecting, she didn't notice that Jayce had stuck his leg out, so of course she went flying.

Jayce let out a quiet sly chuckle which only Annabelle heard, before standing up and offering his hand to the bright pink girl who had received a lot of attention that morning.

As no one apart from the raven haired girl had seen him trip her, the females in classroom 27 believed Jayce to be a gallant knight and Annabelle to be a clumsy, unattractive hag who was trying to steal their knight away from them.

Annabelle knew this was how all the girls of her year saw her, well apart from her best friend Catherine, and even though this was the complete opposite to what was actually going on, trying to explain it to those simple minded fools would take time and patience that Anna simply didn't have.

She ignored the hand offered to her and helped herself up before taking her seat and resting her forehead down on her desk, quietly cursing the boy who caused her so much grief, while the rest of the class were talking about the events that had just taken place.

Mr. Coleman tapped on his desk with his ruler causing the class to become silent once more.

'Class I have an announcement to make. You will be pleased to hear the date for the social has been arranged and it will be held three weeks from now. A committee will need to be organised for the planning of the night which I am sure you will be able to sort out amongst yourselves.'

Just then the bell went and everyone began to move to their first period, that is apart from Annabelle as Catherine had dragged her into the girls toilets to clean her up and make her look presentable, their first period was private study so they didn't have to worry about arriving late.

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