Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Anna heard the horn of a car and went to her window to check if it was Cathy. When she saw her car, she quickly ran downstairs and hopped in. They were in for a long drive as the nearest shopping centre, was 40 minutes away.

Cathy put on their favourite band, and they were soon singing along to the lyrics loudly, but surprisingly in tune.

When they were about 5 minutes away, Cathy told Anna about how Alice's mum had connections with a big clothing brand, and had said that she could meet with the designers and look at her portfolio, and maybe if they liked what they saw, they would offer her a spot as a young designer. The plan was that three of them were going to go to the meeting at 12:30pm, which was at the shop at the far end of the shopping centre. They had plenty of time though as it was 11:50 am.

Annabelle was overjoyed for Cathy, as she knew this was what she always wanted. She felt bad for initially not liking Alice and decided that she was going to make an effort to befriend her as she had helped her best friend out.

When they had parked her car, they started walking to the toilets where they were going to meet Alice, which was really convenient considering Anna was absolutely desperate for the loo.

As they were approaching the toilets, they saw Alice was already there, talking to a guy in shades.

To Anna's horror she realised that the guy in shades was in actual fact Jayce.

'Ahhh hey Ali,' Cathy squealed hugging her tightly.  Alice giggled at Cathy's greeting, hugging her back just as tight.

Anna awkwardly scratched the back of her head as she watched the scene, she hadn't got close to Alice like Cathy had and wasn't sure how to greet the giggling girl. She needn't feared as Alice, once she was freed from Cathy's tight embrace, pulled in Anna for a tight squeeze exclaiming at how Cath had told everything about her and that they were definitely going to be best friends. Anna was startled by the hug and felt uncomfortable (She wasn't used to such close body contact as the only people she ever hugged was her father, her brother and Cathy); she looked over Alice's shoulder to see Jayce laughing at her, obviously noticing how uncomfortable she was feeling, so she gave him the middle finger.

Jayce smirked at her and responded, by blowing her a kiss; she turned bright pink, breaking the hug, mumbled out an excuse about needing the toilet, before dashing through to the ladies.

'Why does he have to be everywhere I turn?' She thought to herself. 'He wasn't supposed to be here, it was meant to be just the three of us.'

Cathy went to the loo, washed her hands and reapplied her lip gloss, before going back out to meet the girls and Jayce.

She was horrified to find, that instead of three people waiting for her, there was only one and it was the one person she least wanted to be standing there.

'Where are Cathy and Alice?' She asked annoyed.

'They had to go.'

'Yes I can see that. Where did they have to go?' Anna said frustrated by Jayce's non informative answer.

'To the meeting...'

'But the meeting was at 12:30pm, Cathy told me. There is still plenty of time to get there.'

'They misread the time, when Alice got the text message from mum out again to check the details; it said 12:00pm not 12:30pm.'

Anna checked her watch and saw that it read 11:58. 'But they're going to be late.'

'Well done Sherlock, that's why they had to rush off. Cathy said the meeting should be over in about 2 hours and she would meet us at the Smoothie shack.'

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