Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

They had been back at school for only a week and in such a short period of time Annabelle had managed to make an enemy out of the new transfer student who was already loved by the majority of females in her year.

She couldn't understand what she had done to him that made him do all these horrid things to her.

Anna didn't like attention; she preferred to be a part of the crowd.

This was probably one of the main reasons why her choice of clothing, was old, boring and "unfashionable".

Jayce had spoilt everything, it was because of him that she was forced to wear Cath's dress and it was because of him that now the majority of girls of her year (the ones who "love" him) made her a popular topic for hating on.

She needed an action plan, as if war was what Jayce wanted it was war he would get, after all who was she to disappoint him.

Anna knew she had to be clever; she had to hide her emotions, "play it cool". She had to make him leave her alone so she could get back to how it was before he arrived at Forrester High. Ignoring him hadn't worked as she had done that the first 3 days he had picked on her, and now it being the fourth day she was done with being the better person. It's so overrated after all.

She walked down towards the changing rooms as her last two periods of the day were sport.

The rain that they had that morning was gone, with no evidence that it had ever occurred. In its place was the blazing sun, causing a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, which were simply perfect conditions for spending an hour and half, running around. Not.

Even though Jayce had been at the school for less than a week, he had already made it on to the schools senior football team, team A as it was most often called. Yesterday (when try outs for the team were held) he impressed everyone with his skills with a ball, well everyone except Annabelle (and all other detesters of the sport).

This was because her brother, who when attending Forrester High was known as a Legend when it came to football, had often dragged Anna to play with him over the fields.

Being constantly awoken by a cup full of water at 7am on a Saturday morning so that you could spend 2 hours, acting like a dog, chasing balls and becoming rather sweaty, did not go down too well with Anna and she quickly began to detest the game.

So when it came to picking which sport she wanted to play for the year, she chose Netball without any hesitation. Unfortunately for Anna all the other girls did the same (apart from the rare few) and as there were only 21 places in the netball class and there were 27 girls, it was clear that some of them would be joining the football class which had more space.

When she reached the board outside the changing rooms to make sure that she would be playing netball this year, it came as a total shock to her that the sport that she was going to be playing was actually football.

Anna spent the entire time getting changed trying to think of an excuse of why she couldn't play, failing to think of anything believable she begrudgingly plodded to the football field.

Jayce smirked as he saw the ditzy girl, who trips over thin air approach where he was standing. 'This is going to be entertaining.' he thought to himself.

The class were split into three teams of eleven.

The first team consisted of the members of the senior football team (Coach had managed to pull a few strings that morning and moved people around so that the whole of the football team had sport at the same time), so of course Jayce and Zach were on that team.

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