Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'It's not fair Cathy.' Anna whined, while her best friend looked for her makeup wipes, which seemed to have got lost in her school bag. 'What am I supposed to wear now? That jerk has completely trashed my outfit!'

Cathy looked up at Anna at this last comment as she wasn't sure whether she was being serious or not.

The "outfit" that jerk had ruined consisted of a t-shirt and jeans which were 5 sizes too big and had once belonged to her older brother, Blake.

Catherine hated Anna's choice of clothing and would often suggest for her to wear skirts and dresses, or anything that didn't belong to her brother. But Annabelle being the stubborn girl she was, merely refused to wear anything else.

Cathy couldn't help feeling that Jayce's actions were a blessing in disguise as the only thing Annabelle could wear now was her short pink skater dress which she knew would show off her best friend's curves and legs in the best possible way. 'I think I might have something...'

Catherine went back to rummaging through her back pack, trying to suppress a giggle and finally found what she was looking for.

After removing the black smudges off her best friend's face she reapplied Anna's make up. As Anabelle had flawless skin, Catherine just went straight to working on Anna's eyes, adding eye-liner, eye shadow and mascara.

Annabelle normally only applied mascara, as when it came to eye-liner, she was a massive fail and it normally looked like a 4 year old had got hold of a black marker and decided to scribble over her face. After applying a dash of blusher and lip gloss, Cathy stood back and admired her handy work.

'Awww you look so cute, my little Annie.' Cathy giggled smiling like a little girl who had just been handed candy.

'Really Cath? Cause at the moment I just feel really stupid.' Annabelle scowled back. 'He's made me look like a total fool.'

Catherine waved her hand about dismissing what Annabelle just said 'Nonsense, nonsense! You look beautiful.' She smiled at her then pulled out the dress which she was going to now force Annabelle into wearing. 'Just put this on'

Annabelle stared at Catherine. 'Are you serious...? No Way am I wearing that!'

'What else are you going to wear then?' Anna sighed; she knew that Cathy was right she had nothing else to wear. Admitting defeat she quickly snatched the dress from Cathy's hands and went into the nearest cubicle to get changed, cursing a certain boy as she did.

10 minutes later Cathy was banging on the door of that very cubicle.

'Annie come out the bell is going to go in 5 minutes and I still have to braid your hair'

Annabelle reluctantly came out of the cubicle, and Cathy just stared at her with a massive grin on her face.

This put Annabelle in a state of panic and she rushed to the mirror to just see for herself how much of a clown she looked. What she saw shocked her; looking back at her was someone completely different to who she normally saw in the mirror.

Even though the top part of her body was short, which was the reason why she was so petite, her legs were quite long and the dress showed them off perfectly just as Cathy knew they would. The dress also showed that Annabelle wasn't flat, even though she wasn't as developed as some; at least she was able to say she had something.

Cathy had seen Anna's frozen position as the perfect opportunity to start pulling at her hair, which caused a moan of pain from the said girl.

Cathy let out a loud yawn.

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