Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Catherine has always had a "Passion 4 Fashion" (yes I just quoted bratz what is my life coming to) and often made clothes for Annabelle. Anna certainly never wore them outside Catherine's bedroom, but she let Cathy take her measurements and modelled for her portfolio as it was her best friends dream to be a top fashion designer and she was going to help her every step of the way.

Anna went over to Cath's house after school so that she could be taught how to apply makeup and also be given clothes that Catherine had designed for her to wear tomorrow and Saturday.

They had planned to go shopping on Saturday so Anna could buy more outfits of her own as she had decided to finally listen to her fashion advisor a.k.a. Cathy and dress in clothes that were actually her size. The whole reason why she wore her brother's old clothes was to blend in with crowd and thanks to Jayce that wasn't happening so why not dress nice, and fit in with society while she was being gossiped about, at least then it wouldn't be as bad? At least they wouldn't be making harsh remarks about her appearance, just everything else about her.

Catherine spent what seemed like hours trying to teach Anna how to use eyeliner. Two packets of makeup wipes later and Anna had finally mastered the skill. It was late so Catherine dropped Annabelle off at home.

'See you tomorrow Cathy.' Annabelle said hugging her best friend, and then running inside her house.

'Byee Annie, try not to be late tomorrow,' Catherine called out to her grinning.

The next morning Anna woke early, so that she would have enough time to have a couple attempts at applying her make-up, as she was sure that she would not get it right first time.

On the third attempt at applying her eyeliner, she was satisfied with the result and knew she would have Cathy's nod of approval.

She then got changed into the clothes Catherine gave her yesterday, a white funnel neck cropped tee with a cherry in the centre and a pair of pastel pink hot pants, completed with a pair of white knee length woolly socks with a strip of the same pastel pink around the top and a pair of low top pastel pink converses (Anna refused to wear heels, as she can't walk in anything above one inch and she rated comfort above all else).

Anna had left her skateboard at school so she had to walk, she didn't live far so she didn't mind. She grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the kitchen, fixed her bag on her back, and started walking to school.

When she arrived at classroom 27, she was surprised that no one was there and decided that it was a great opportunity to start that impossible maths homework which was due in after lunch.

After staring at it for about 20 minutes she decided she couldn't do it and would just ask Cath later.

Another 10 minutes went by before people started to enter the classroom, and it wasn't long before everyone (including Mr. Coleman) was here apart from Jayce.

Not that she cared that he was late, even though she would like him to get a late mark after he made her get a late mark; she was more curious and was thinking of all the possibilities that could have happened when there was a knock at the door (most of them involved him being injured).

Jayce entered followed by a girl who was just a little shorter than him, her brown locks, a similar colour to Jayce's, hung past her shoulders in loose curls, she wore little make up but she didn't need it as it was clear to see she was beautiful. Her bright blue eyes glowed with excitement.

'Ah Jayce, the headmaster said you would be late so I marked you here.' Mr. Coleman said before turning to the new girl 'And you must be Alice, Jayce's twin sister.'

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