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Chapter 4 | Love at First Sight

- 2021 -

There was an unspoken tension between the two men. Neither knew how to start the conversation. Both men knew the other remembered the events of their first life. Both felt love towards the same person, albeit in different ways.

"When did you remember?" Seokjin finally cut through the silence.

"When you were holding her," Yoongi spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Just like the day she died."

Another moment of silence fell between the two of them. The food in front of them was untouched. Neither having the appetite.

"Is that the only life you remember?" Seokjin asked again, hoping that Yoongi would answer yes.

Yoongi nodded. "Were there more?"

"Yes," Seokjin breathed.

"Was she able to have a happy life in any of them?" Yoongi asked. He knew not to be hopeful but he couldn't help it.

"No," Seokjin said quietly. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. I couldn't do anything."

"It must have been hard for you, hyungnim," Yoongi said after a moment of silence.

Seokjin didn't... no he couldn't comment on Yoongi's statement. And Yoongi didn't need confirmation. He already knew.

Yoongi knew Seokjin. There was a reason he preferred Seokjin over the crown prince for his sister. Seokjin was deeply in love with her. Seeing Y/N in pain and dying in multiple lives would have been difficult for the past swordsman.

As the two were in their own minds, the door to the private room opened. Yoongi looked up in confusion. His confusion only increased when he saw Bang Sihyuk and his assistant, Jung Hoseok walking into the private room of the Chinese Restaurant.

"What a surprise see you both here," Sihyuk said in a rather happy tone.

"Sir, you already knew they were here," Hoseok pointed out. To which Sihyuk only chuckled.

Yoongi looked to Seokjin, hoping that the elder will have answers.

"Yoongi-ah, this is Sihyuk, he is a passage guardian," Seokjin informed Yoongi.

"A passage guardian?" Yoongi repeated, his confusion only multiplying. "What's a passage guardian?"

"A passage guardian is basically a god," Hoseok said almost in a rehearsed way. "He's the head of the grim reapers. When the grim reapers bring souls to the afterlife, he judges them and sees that they have a safe passage to either reincarnation or heaven or hell or gives them their punishment."

"So, you're a passage guardian, then what the hell are you?" Yoongi asked Hoseok.

"I am a passage guardian in training," Hoseok said with a nod. Proud of his position.

"Okay, so how do you know a passage guardian hyungnim?" Yoongi asked Seokjin.

"I can answer that question for you Yoongi," Sihyuk said with a smile, sitting down at the table. "Seokjin is currently serving a 1000 year sentence that started the moment he died. One year for each life he killed."

Yoongi's eyes grew wide. Then he remembered. As soon as Y/N died, he and Seokjin went on a near rampage killing many, many men. Seeking revenge for the death of Y/N. Yoongi also died before Seokjin did.

"Then, why?" Yoongi couldn't help but ask. "Why not me?"

"You did," Sihyuk said matter-of-factly.

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