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Chapter 5 | Lanterns

- 2021 - 

Seokjin and Yoongi began to meet up more often ever since Yoongi's memories of his first life came back to him.

"Ah, oppa, come in!" Y/N said after she opened the door to her home. Yoongi had informed her that Seokjin was going to come over to their place to hang out with Yoongi. "Yoongi oppa is still stuck at the studio, so he'll be a while."

"Thank you, Y/N-ah," Seokjin said with a bright smile.

"It's no problem, oppa," Y/N said with a smile that still made Seokjin's stomach flutter.

How he had wished for this day. The day when he could speak to her again. He didn't need to rush into anything. He still had time. Besides he wanted her to fall in love with him again. He wasn't going to push his feelings onto her and almost manipulate her into loving him.

"How's your painting coming along? I heard from Yoongi that you seem to be quite attached to one painting to the point you're unable to sell it," Seokjin brought up, curious about the painting.

Yoongi had told him that it was a moment that seemed to have been very important to Y/N in their previous life together, but he never expanded on it.

"Oh yeah," Y/N responded with a shy smile. "Did you want to see it?"

There was just something about the painting that seemed so precious... so intimate... so important. She got so attached to the painting that she wrote that it was already sold under the picture. She just couldn't let it go. She didn't know what possessed her into asking Seokjin to see it but for some reason, she wanted him to see it.

"If that's alright with you," Seokjin said with a smile.

Seokjin couldn't help but clench his jaw when he saw the picture the younger Min painted. He knew exactly when it was. He knew exactly why it was so important to her... or rather the previous her. He felt tears filling his eyes but he didn't want to let a tear escape.

"It's beautiful," Seokjin breathed.

Y/N's face lit up brightly. "You think so?" But as quickly as a smile formed on her face, it disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Seokjin asked. Once he saw that her focus was almost solely on her own painting, he quickly wiped away the stray tear that escaped.

"There's just something about this painting," she said quietly. "I know it's going to sound stupid and crazy... but when I look at the painting. It's like something is squeezing my heart. It hurts so much but it brings me so much joy. I don't know how to explain it." She shook her head. "I sound like a weirdo."

"I don't think so," Seokjin said softly, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder. "I have the same feeling while looking at the painting. You are very talented."

Y/N looked at Seokjin with a smile. She couldn't quite explain it, but there was something very strange about the actor standing in front of her. She knew that it was his picture that caused her to have that strange auditory hallucination. It was strange, she should be wary of the stranger but there was something that seemed to be connecting them. Almost like they were being pulled towards each other by a string. 

"Thank you," Y/N breathed. Something about him complimenting her, made her feel giddy. Almost like a teenager talking with their biggest crush.

Seokjin smiled as he saw the faint blush coating Y/N's cheeks. She still looked perfect, just as the day he fell in love with her. Just like the day that she had painted without knowing.

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