The Awkward Continues

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Emme's POV:

When I got onto the bus there was people basically taking up every single seat (we were the last stop) besides he front. Screw it I honestly don't care. I sat down and realized that I was sitting across from that one blonde girl. She still had her headphones on and was blasting music. I like this girl.

I kept stealing glances at her but she was too engaged in her music to even look back at me. I felt awkward cause I kept looking at her but she never looked back. Did she know I was looking at her? Was she choosing not to look back? Or did she really not see me? I let out a light unnoticeable sigh.

When the bus stopped at hell - oh I mean school, the girl wasted no time getting her stuff together and hauling ass to get off the bus. Okay then. I walked off after everyone else cause i didn't feel like being completely alone on the first day of school. So I stayed with the one person i wish I didn't have to stay with, my brother. I must seem pathetic though. Like seriously? You have literally no friends so you stick with your brother.

I would go with my best friend Austin but sadly his bus is late and he also hangs out with my brother. I don't get why though. He's annoying and weird (not the good weird either).

I stand around with my brother and some other people for a while until this girl pulls me away from the group. I didn't recognize her at first but then I realized it was Kelly, a girl from my old school. I guess you could call her an acquaintance. She was nice and all but just too... Dramatic. She lives for drama that girl.

After giving me a hug and introducing me to a few of her friends she started talking with a group of girls and just completely ignored me. Honestly i was fine with that. Another reason to get away. I soon found my bestie and quickly walked over to him. "Hey gurl hey." I said and gave him a quick hug.

At least I wasn't completely alone. Austin and I had 2nd, 5th, and 7th period together. Thank god.

I wonder if I have any classes with that girl from this morning. She seems pretty cool and down to earth. I should try talking to her. Maybe...

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