Happy Happy! Yay Yay.

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Emme's POV

The day was going by like any other day. People were annoying and disrespectful as ever. The usual. First period went by nice... I think. I tried to not look at Suzanne but she was just so... interesting. With her stupid cute hair and her stupid cute face. Ugh does she even know what she does to me?

I went unnoticed all through first and second period. At lunch I was planning on sitting with Suzanne cause I seriously hated the looks people give me when I sit alone. Since she had first lunch she would already be sitting down.

When I looked around for her she was sitting with a group of people. Suzanne was sitting next to some boy, smiling and laughing. She seemed pretty happy. All previous confidence had faded and i retreaded back to sitting alone.

I saw a boy sitting alone where I usually sat so I decided I would sit by him. Let's just hope he doesn't turn out to be a jerk. I sat by him and awkwardly introduced myself. He just kinda looked confused for a second before saying, "Hey I'm Jayy." I smiled and noticed he was wearing a Doctor Who shirt. We can be friend. Yup totally.

I sat with Jayy and we just talked about random stuff. Fandoms, shows, movies, music. Everything. We realized that we also have second period together. Yay people I actually like. Maybe this year won't be that bad?


Hay guys! It's Emme. I hope you are enjoying our love story *wink wink*


I'll just leave you with this. Vote! Comment! Share! Hug a Porcupine!

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