First Period

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Suzanne's POV:
I hung out with some of my old friends, no longer feeling shy. Until the bell rang. Luckily, two of my friends, Jade (Mc---creeper) and Leah, had the same first period. Orchestra.
I looked at who was in the class. I saw my ex-boyfriend, Rick, and a whole bunch of new people.
I saw that girl. She was standing with someone else I didn't know.
See, she doesn't need you, she has good friends, I told myself, sighing.
The teacher came out, and led us inside. He let us sit anywhere, so I stayed with Leah.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Morning," he introduced himself.
"I'm going to put you in the order of your instruments," he said,many proceeded to place us.
The girl that The Girl was talking to was put next to me.
"Hi, my name is Rain!!" She exclaimed joyously. I examined her, determining whether to be her friend. Eventually I decided she seemed cool enough.
"Hi, I'm Suzanne," I said, and she smiled. We talked for a while, until Mr. Morning started to call attendance.
He called through a bunch of names which I didn't pay attention to, until he said it.
"Emme?" He called.
"Here," the girl answered. Emme. I like it.

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