Second Period

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Suzanne's POV:
After orchestra, I walked to my second period, which was gym. I avoided the gir-Emme
She looked at me.
I walked with Jade, who also had gym. We were joking and laughing, being best friends.
I walked in to the locker room, and saw Emme. She was sitting in the corner, alone. I considered going up to her, but decided not to. She probably thinks I'm an ugly faggot.
I stuck with Jade, us flipping out and acting like we're high. Sometimes, I think we are.
We walking into the gym, and sat down in our "spot". We were sitting in alphabetical order, so Jade was far away from me. I sat behind a blonde girl. Emme was in the row next to me. I kept looking at her from the corner of my eye, and once she looked at me. I blushed, and trained my eyes on the floor.
"Okay so, I'm going to ask some questions, and you guys are going to get into groups based on your answers. So if you have the same answer, get into a group," Coach Belladonna (I'm the only person who will get this joke. Don't worry, it's not important to this story).
She started asking questions, until she got to the best one.
"What's your favorite genre of music?" She asked. Jade and I were practically always in the same group, especially this time. We're were the rock group.
A couple of other people came to join us, including Emme.
"You like rock?" I asked her. First words spoken, music. Good choice.
"Yeah, I love it," she said, and I smiled. Maybe I could be her friend.

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