Severance, Part One

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The room was spotless, not an impurity in sight. It was always stark quiet, when she regained consciousness, wind softly tussling her hair as her eyes fluttered open. A few seconds would pass where she lay in peace, her thoughts clear as the crystal blue sky out her balcony window. Then the pit in her stomach would give her a prick of pain, followed by the dull taste of iron in the back of her throat. Still, she savored these moments of calm, knowing that it would be squelched in a short matter of time. This time, disruption came sooner than later- the doors to her bedroom swung open, revealing two maids dressed in uniform.

"Good morning, Mistress," one of them spoke as she forced herself upright. Her voice was without feeling or sentiment.

They dressed her without exchanging words, her eyes fixated on the wall in front of her as they created their perfect image of a queen. She then followed them out of the room and down the corridor, holding her head up high as a queen should. Others mulled about around her as they walked onward, each only concerned with their own tasks. The maids opened massive French doors that revealed the royal dining hall, making for a grand entrance as the young woman walked through.

Her husband the King was seated at the head of the long table, a brilliant array of food before him. He didn't look up until she was a mere ten feet away from him, smiling coldly as he sipped his wine.

"Ah, I've been waiting for you," he remarked as she took a seat adjacent from him, "you must try this ham, it is simply divine."

She obeyed, cutting the meat into small pieces and forcing them down her throat. It tasted like nothing and only made her stomach clench even tighter.

"I have a meeting with the small council today," he began, "then I figured I should begin strategizing on how to strengthen our military defense. My subjects deserve a ruler who keeps his promise about getting things done."

She caught his eyes with hers and provided an expression of encouragement. "You're a wonderful King, everyone in the kingdom believes it."

A lively laugh then filled the air, one that belonged to a petite girl in a white flowing dress who came into the room exuding purity and happiness. She took a seat across from the young woman, perched with her legs tucked beneath her so she could better reach the food.

"I had the most beautiful dream last night Father," the girl stared passionately, her dark hair falling over her eyes as she leaned over the table. "I was picking flowers in the field, and the sun was so bright up ahead."

Her father appeared soothed by her words, admiring her childlike innocence as she began to eat.

"Sounds wonderful, my dear." He replied, finishing off his wine and gesturing towards one of the servants. "I must tend to some things now- I'll see you later today for tea in the garden."

Once he left, the girl stuck to the woman like glue. She looked at the world through wondrous eyes, everything new and exciting.

"Why do you think the sky is blue?"

The question pulled the woman's attention away from the outside world, where she sat on the windowsill of the library. She gave the child an incoherent answer. The sound of her voice seemed to dilute her thoughts, so much that, for a moment, she didn't know who she was.

Finally the child left her alone, after an unprecedented amount of time, and she returned to her bedroom chambers. With the door protectively shutting out the rest of the castle, the woman began collecting water for a bath. As she did so, she caught a reflection of herself in the mirror. The sight mesmerized her completely; her eyes appeared sunken and lifeless, her skin desaturated in color and devoid of any character. She truly hated herself, though not able to even emote feelings of disdain. Her mere existence seemed to only be a formality to her mother, the King, and his child.

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