With Open Arms

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It happened quickly at first, like a bolt of lightning touching earth. Her first breath was jagged and unnerving, a sudden revival of dormancy. For a few seconds, Regina didn't know where she was, the light so bright it was dizzying. She soon felt a warm embrace melt through her confusion, an embrace that could only come from one person- her son.

"I can't believe you're back," Roland said, exasperated, "I can't believe you're back."

Regina hugged him tightly in return, allowing the familiarity of it all to sink in. Looking around the room, she noticed Emma and Snow peering down at her, both with relieved expressions on their faces.

"How... how long was I gone?" She began, the sound of her own voice disorienting at first. Her mind began backtracking to the last thing she remembered- then, all the terrible things flooded back through her like a tidal wave, overwhelming her senses. "Robin and Caroline, are they-"

"You've been out for three weeks," Emma interrupted, warily facing her next question. "And... they're both still in the Enchanted Forest. We were able to make contact with them a few days ago. They were going against the Sorceress who wanted Caroline's powers- whatever happened, they aren't there anymore. Rumple said he sensed a portal activated in his castle. We... aren't sure where they are now. But, considering the fact that Zelena was after the ingredients for a time travel portal..."

Regina could feel her heartbeat quicken, rapidly recalling that night with Zelena. There was so much rage in her, such uncontrolled anger radiating from every fiber of her being. She knew that feeling well.

"Robin will keep her safe," Snow reassured, "they'll find a way to come back."

All the worries swirling around in her head would have sent her flailing off into oblivion if it weren't for Roland's embrace tethering her down. She gave him a fervent squeeze before pulling back so she could look him up and down.

"You've had to hold down the home all this time," she said, the pain in his eyes easy to detect, "I don't know how you did it."

He glanced up towards Emma and Snow, sending them a fast smile. "Everyone was there to help. Emma and Tink found the spell to save you."

Regina gave them both a look of sincerity. "You have no idea how grateful I am for you two. Thanks for getting me out of there, Snow."

Happiness dissipated as soon as the words left her mouth. Her glance became wary. "You remember?"

Taking a breath, Regina nodded. "I do. It's weird, I feel like that person was a total stranger, and I'm stuck with their memories."

Awkward silence fell between them. "Well we're glad you're back," Emma sincerely stated, "I'm sure everyone will love to catch up when you're ready- Henry should be here any minute."

The mention of her eldest son softened her tumultuous thoughts; yet it saddened her to know that he put his flourishing career in Toronto on hold to be by her side.

"And if you ever want to talk about those memories..." Snow began, giving her a cautious look, "I'm always here."

Regina met her glance and felt her heart tighten in response to Snow's undaunted kindness. The remnants of her eleven year old self still shone brightly within her, a steadfastness that rooted her life.

"Thank you, really."

Emma and Snow turned towards the door to leave just as Roland's dog, a stout beagle, came rushing in at a surprisingly fast rate for her age. The teenager let out a laugh as Jupiter excitedly wagged her tail at the base of the bed, anxiously waiting attention from her owner.

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