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So the rest of day went by for Izuku studying intensively. Since he was a born genius, it didn't took him much time to memorize everything.
It was about 4:30 pm.  Only half an hour till his mom returned.
       Izuku closed his books and went to his room. He started to set up his room. Placing his things where they looked better. There were still 20 minutes till her arrival, not knowing what to do Izuku went to the piano.
It was standing firm in its place.
     Drawing back the seat, he sat on it and.....his hands began to move on their own. Playing each key after the other as if his hands knew which one was near.
It was a tune he memorized at the age of 6. It was from an anime that he and Elena watched named Shingeki No Kyojin. Elena always got scared whenever a titan ate a human.
The name of the tune was


He was so deeply playing it that he didn't even realized when his mom had come around and was watching him from a side.
By the end of the music, his hands were trembling. Pressing the last key, a tear escaped his eyes. And again he began to cry.
Seeing this, his mom hugged him.
"It's alright Izuku. Let it out. I know how it feels don't keep those feelings bottled up. It won't help you have to let go of them." She said rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

"C-C-Can I something?" He said sobbing. "Sure dear ....what is it..." "Can I g-go visit mom tomorrow?"

"Sure you can go? If you want I can come with you." She said.

"No, no its....alright. I don't want to cause you more trouble. I have already caused you much of it. I will go." He said hugging her back.

"Alright, if you insist." She said but unknown to her he was displaying a smirk not showing her what his true intentions were.
"Alright now you can go to your room. I'll call you down when dinner is ready." She said letting go of him and started to head to the kitchen.

Izuku walked towards his room quite happy. He had easily gotten the permission he wanted without any trouble.
The next day...

Izuku got up quite early and around 7:00 am he was gone. He caught a train that went their and was on his way. Around 9:30 am he reached there. Hurrying up, Izuku began to run to U.A.
He just reached there. A lot of students from different schools were going in.

Izuku stood up and took a look at the building. This was the school his friend wanted to go to. Izuku was here just for fun.
Izuku took a step forward but he tripped and was about to fall when he began to float in air.
"I am sorry I shouldn't have used my quirk on you without asking but you know falling might be unlucky for you." A girl with brown hair cut in a bob cut said. She had brown hair and was overall round.
"Thank you for saving me. But can you undo the effect now. Its embarrassing." He said.
"Oh sorry." She undid the effect.
"Well then I must go now." He said and started heading inside leaving behind a confused brunette.

Soon the written started, and Izuku did it without breaking a sweat. In fact, he did it 1 hour earlier.
After that the students were gathered in a huge hall and one of the teachers who was trying to be cheerful started to explain them the rules.
Izuku began to spin his pen.

Suddenly a hand was raised by a student who was sitting two seats infront of Izuku.
"Excuse me, I have a question." "Yes?" The teacher replied.
"You are talking about 3 types of robots but on the sheet it says four types of robots. If this is a mistake then it is unacceptable from a prestigious school such as U.A. and....
also you.." he said turning back to Izuku." You've been spinning that pen of yours for who knows how long. If you are not serious then you should leave. You are disturbing others. I will not tolerate such behaviour."
The boy said fixing his glasses.

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