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In my fiction, the name of rias will be Rias Vermillion not Gremory. You cannot defy the power of the author.
I have absolute authority over this.

As he looked up, he saw a beautiful girl with hair redder than the blood on his hands and eyes more beautiful than the most precious emeralds.

     Her skin was white as snow and smooth like silk. She could be easily thought of as a doll in a toy shop.

She was looking down on him. Her eyes piercing through his soul. Suddenly, Izuku felt as if his heart had skipped a beat.
He surely was in a trance admiring her beauty.

     But, alas this couldn't be done for more than 2 minutes.
The teacher had caught up to them and was only a few meters away from them. The brunette and the blonde left him and ran away but he got caught.

Izuku suddenly shook off all the feelings he had in his heart for the girl even if they only lasted a moment.

'what the...why did my heart skipped a beat. It's not like I like her or something. I am not here to fall in love.
Stupid Izuku
Stupid Izuku.
Also, she's way out of my league.'
      Izuku began to walk away with the teacher.
Meanwhile, the girl was smirking looking at him. She had found him at last or he had found her.

Izuku was taken to the principal office.
She was already having a bad day because she couldn't hear her beloved son's speech.
But she got shocked when she saw that he was brought to her by  the P.E. teacher and his hands were covered in red....

This wasn't less than a shock.
When she heard that a first year had beaten four third years she thought it would not be Izuku since he always had a habit of starting fights.
But his appearance made it clear along with the dried blood on his hands that he was the one who had sended them to the hospital.

She sended the P.E. teacher away and now it was only the mother and son in the room.

Izuku was starring her straight in the eye and she doing the same.
The tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut by a knife.
Finally, Ayaka started the conversation.

"Did you beated them up.?"
"Any reasons?"
" They were beating up a kid who stood up for his quirkless friend. Not only were they beating him but they were also verbally abusing the quirkless girl.
Someone had to stand up. Everyone was either watching them or recording a video. I couldn't just watch them." Izuku explained clenching his fists.

" Izuku." She came close to him holding him by his shoulders and looking him straight in the eye.
"I know you just wanted to help them but you didn't had to be so violent.
Two of the four students are in ICU. One's fist was broken. One's face fully destroyed and one was unconscious and is having critical damage all over the body. For this they are demanding that you should be expelled but you will be suspended for 3 months.This is not in my hands. Even though you are my son. The School laws still apply to you. So, you will be staying at home for three months. If they take back their stand then you will be allowed to join school again in two to three days but from the looks of it I don't think they will." She stood up and began to walk back to her table.
"Are you angry at me for not coming up to the stage for the speech?"

"Yes, yes I am angry at you, but more than that I am worried for you. It was your first day and you already got yourself in trouble. I know you still miss Elena but you have to move on. I am worried for you. You were never like this. Why is it that you suddenly changed. You spend all your time on that computer of yours doing who know what. I am your mother, I am supposed to know what you do."

"Stop it! You're not my mother. My mother died in that house. You are not my mother. You say, I should move on. It's not that easy. I tried but what happened.
For the first time, I tried to make friends but they all laughed at me for what silly reason.
Because my damn legs were asleep when I was called up.
Stop pretending. You are annoying me."
He shouted the last part and left the room making sure to slam the door. He wouldn't have caused a ruckus if his mother hadn't taken the name of Elena. He was still sad for her and mad for her.
        Outside the blonde and brunette were waiting for him.
They wanted to talk to him but he walked straight past them.
He went in his class and everyone went silent. Even the teacher who was teaching.

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