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I groaned and hit my head on the head of my bed one more time. Because of my little incident in school, mom has been so irritating about this whole thing. She's going on and on about how I can't handle myself just because he's back.

She's insisting that I need to take my anti-depressants again to prevent any panic attacks in the future. I wanted to scream at her, saying that it isn't his fault and it was mine, but when was the time my mom actually listened to my side of the story?

It came across to the point that she wanted me to go back to therapy and the thought of transferring me to another school which I declined. I told myself to be strong, and so far, I'm doing pretty well.

I must say, that panic attack caught me off guard. It's been years since I've had one and the feeling came back in a heartbeat.

The first time I had one was when I transferred here. A guy was telling someone to back off and I just had that moment where I thought that was me. Cameron saw what happened and that blossomed our friendship from then on. That also led to therapy sessions with Dr. Archer and pills to take.

I shifted my thoughts from this and to the one and the only, Tristan Carter. It was unlikely that he was the one who catched me when I fell. Why did he catch me? Was that his way of saying sorry to me? If it is, that isn't going to cut it.

If he thinks that this will do, he's wrong. He can't just saunter back into my life and pretend that nothing is wrong and he hadn't done anything to me. This can't make up for the years of trauma and agony dumped on me. I lived a long part of my life worrying about things and being miserable all of the time and he deserves that too. Whatever happened to me is about to happen to him too.

And I just can't fucking wait for it to happen.

I want him to be remorseful and guilty, because that isn't what I'm seeing right now. I want him to suffer the same way I did. And when everything is going to be done, I don't know what's going to be funnier: his shattered heart or my reaction.

"So, are you just going to stare at the floor and ignore me for the past few minutes?" Sam chuckled.

I looked up to see her smirking near the doorway. "Sorry."

"What's bothering you?" She pried, then walked towards the window.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Come on, I'm your sister. I think I know when something's wrong and when something's not." She gave me a playful smile and smacked me softly in my arm to lighten up the mood.

I diverted my attention from her to my fingers. "Do you remember Tristan? The reason why we moved here in LA? And the one who tormented me?" I said shakily. She's going to be the only one who's going to know, except for Alex.

She nods and mutters, "The asshole who poured his cherry coke on my shirt."

Yeah, let's just say my sister isn't really fond of him either. Sam came home after one night, all distressed with her blouse having a darker color near her collarbones. And ever since, she hated his guts. That's what he gets for spilling his coke on her shirt that one time.

"Yeah, he's back." I said bluntly.

She stayed silent for a bit and then opened her mouth but closed it after without saying anything. "T-that's a lot to take in." She said after a deep breath.

She knew that he was the only guy who affected me this way and made me who I am now. "It is." I agreed with her, giving her a robotic-like nod.

"Then what else is bothering you? You seem so off these past few days." She asked me.

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