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video: pursuit of happiness by kid cudi
picture: cameron (cameron dallas) ha ha ha ha hes so cute right :(


"Oh, you came." He grinned at me and leaned against the caramel colored walls of the school. Our school was older than my mom, so literally everything here is considered vintage, starting with the cabinet that contained every trophy that the school has gotten throughout the past years. The little gaps between each tile on the wall were filled with some black substance that I shuddered internally at.

Gross. "Yeah, need a distraction from this." I said, picking out a piece of string from my hair. I would just look silly if I walked around having a small pink strand laying on my hair.

I think I could bear one day with him. Ah fuck it. If my drunk self can handle him, I'm sure that spending a day with him-sober might I add, would be a piece of cake. "Thank God, I'd be bored out of my mind if I waited for you here and you wouldn't even go." He mused, his hazel brown eyes twinkling with amusement and his voice lacing with sarcasm.

I opened my mouth to answer him but after a few seconds, he started walking so fast that I couldn't even catch up with him. I was trying so hard to keep up with him, trust me. When he halted to a stop, I bumped into his back hardly and a sweet chuckle escaped his lips.

"I love doing that," He informed me with a grin. Of course he'd do that on purpose. "Works every time." Then he winked at me.

God, this boy will be the death of me. Since he wasn't looking, I swiftly used my hand to hit him right in the back where I stumbled earlier. "Ow!" He cried in pain, bringing his hand to the spot and rubbing it to ease the pain.

He looked back at me and I gave him a sardonic smile in return. Call it sadistic, I call it payback.

Once we've reached the car, I learned that Tristan wasn't that much of a talker inside the car.

People say that music defines who you are. And I've also learned that he's the type of guy who would turn their radio off. That means, no music, no annoying hosts, and just pure silence. The air was serene and tranquil.

It's been a minute since he's been driving and I was just looking out the window while he exits the school's parking lot. I squirmed in my seat because the silence was making me uncomfortable.

Seriously, hearing everything that's happening in the car is terrifying. Starting with your own heartbeat or the sound that the engine makes. Especially if you can hear breaths that aren't yours to begin with.

"Don't you like music?" I asked, interrupting the silence that lay in the car.

He crooked his neck and said, "Why?", without taking his eyes off the road.

"Figured, since you don't listen to music in the car or in school." I answered him honestly.

He laughed quietly and placed a CD inside the drive. Pursuit of happiness, was written on the violet colored cover when I brought it up closer and inspected it. Music began to play shortly and Tristan's lips were slightly apart as he hummed to the song.

Guess he liked this kind of music, after all. The kind where it's about drugs and partying, mostly evident from the lyrics, "Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hit.", which also happens to be the first line of the song.

How ironic.

"You're weird," He commented suddenly. "Like really weird." He added.

The corners of my lips were tugging into a frown when I heard this, but I tried my best to keep a natural face. I didn't want to show him that I'm affected by anything he says. When you're affected, it means that you care. And I don't care. At least, I don't want to. Plus, I'm already feeling like shit, so.

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