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I twist only to see Rafe and a teenage boy - looking 15 or 16. A gun aimed at my face. Hell, I hope they didn't hear any of what I said. "What are you doing here?" I blurt, "She told me there was no one here." I grumble and Rafe cocks the gun. "Shut up Raina."
"After all we've been through." I sniff, holding my hands up.
"Get out," He motions with the gun and I roll my eyes.
"Really Rafael? You're gonna shoot me?" I raise a brow. "Yeah, I am. You're the one who got Cain here remember." Something inside shatters, "It wasn't my fault - I did everything in my power to stop this from happening."
"That didn't help now did it. Cain should never have gotten mixed up with the likes of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I narrow my eyes.
"You have no fucking allegiance." Mason speaks up and my eyes flare in recognition.
"Mason, funny - I was just talking about you." I snark and the boy looks at me blankly.
"This is a hospital - since when were weapons allowed?"
Rafe snorts. "You expect me to believe you don't have weapons on you?" Damnit - why did I open my big mouth.

A grin forms on his face as he takes in my jacket and purse on the coat hanger. As well as the cupboard that I left ajar.
"You have nothing, don't you." Rafe grins victoriously and I swear. "Move. Mason, check the cupboard."
"Woah, Rafe - this is a small arsenal." Mason says, shocked as he sees all of my weapons and I fight off a proud smirk.

"She's my little weapons addict." A hoarse voice croaks and all of us look at the person on the bed in shock. Cain lays prostrate on the hospital bed with amber eyes wide open and Rafe's gun clatters to the floor. I groan, "Now you wake up?!" I growl, trying to stop my eyes from watering - allergies were stupid.

"Brother!" "Cain!" Rafe and Mason shout in unison, rushing to his side - me instantly forgotten and Cain smiles at them. Mason tackles his brother in a hug and tears slip out of Rafe's eyes. I was glad, now I could slip out unseen. I back away slowly and Cain growls. "You know I was in a coma - not brain dead, Rain. I heard everything. You stay - we need to talk." I bite my lower lip, fighting the urge to put my hands in front of my stomach. Cain wouldn't appreciate that response right now.

"Are you okay Romero?" Rafe collapses in the chair - still in shock. He presses a button and a flurry of medical staff flood the room and start talking and asking Cain questions. I take my purse and jacket - closing and locking the cupboard. My weapons were going to have to wait. I retreat and Cain watches me with narrowed eyes as I leave the room with Rafe and Mason.

They take seats right outside the room and I try to slip away. I feel as obvious as a pink elephant. "Raina, stay. Cain singled you out - leaving would just make it worse. You know how he gets." Rafe sighs and I feel like crying - tears swimming in my eyes. "No shit." I try to laugh but it doesn't work as my laugh hitches and turns into a watery mess. "What did you do?" Mason asks curiously and I laugh in disbelief. I was not looking forward to this conversation. "I think we started off on the wrong foot. Don't let Rafe fool you - we've never liked each other since I closed a door in his face." "... and I talked to you as if you weren't there." Rafe chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Anyway, my name is Raina Chase - your brother's girlfriend." Mason nods. "Cain's always had a crazy taste in girls." "Sorry to disappoint then, I'm not crazy - I prefer bad." I smile sweetly - really wanting to show this kid what crazy was. I spin on my heel - prepared to leave right there and then.

"Raina! Don't you dare!" Cain's voice booms and I stop in my tracks. "Everyone inside now." We walk into the now empty hospital room with heads between our legs - all for different reasons. "Less than two minutes. That's how long you lasted. You couldn't be civil with each other for two minutes." Cain now sitting upright.

"Raina sit down. You're staying here."
I huff, "Fine. I'll call Forsyth."
Rafe starts talking immediately after I close the door to leave. "Raina? You still at the hospital? We finished the job - no one got hurt, before you ask. Just Oliver, a bullet grazed his shoulder - so it doesn't count."
"Good. Congratulations guys." I smile faintly.
"Raincloud, what's up? You don't sound so good."
"I actually have news, apparently Cain's up. And yeah he knows everything so yeah I guess I'm staying here tonight."
"About the baby too?"
"Yeah, I'll probably just book a ticket home when I'm done."
Oliver whistles in the background, "He's not gonna let you out of his sight for a while, Rain. You'll be lucky if he does."
"Okay you guys, I'll let you know if I get back." I say, yawning tiredly.

I walk into the room. "-she refuses to help us with the Renatonan - Luke's tried. Talk some sense into her." Rafe complains about me and I roll my eyes. "Dream on Rafe, I'm not going back." I snark and he growls. "See! She's so fucking unreasonable." Cain looks at me, eyes falling on where my jellybean is. "I'm tired of explaining why I don't wanna do it. Go ask Luke if you wanna know so badly."

"Urg-" Rafe groans and I yawn again. "Cain, dad wants me back and mom's fighting with him again." Mason says worriedly and I curl into the couch, my head resting against the top of the seat. "I'll sort it out - whatever it takes."
"When are you discharged again?"
"If all goes well - I'll be out by tomorrow."

I can't keep my eyes open any longer and I close them again, falling asleep.

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