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We were at home. Cain locked himself up in his study - probably trying to find a way out of him returning to the Family but I knew it was airtight. His dad's justification was solid, the events were planned long time ago and honestly, if Vincent Romero showed up at the door saying that he planned all of this two years prior I would've believed him.

"Raina?" Mason calls my attention to him and I blink. "Yeah?"
"You think Cain's gonna get a way out of this?"
I smile sadly out the window. "No, I don't but Cain is stubborn. I'll be wasting my breath arguing with him."
"I don't understand why he doesn't want to go - its a good idea." Mason says frustratedly running his hand through his brown hair, dropping onto the couch in Cain's sweats and top that looks a bit too big for him. It seems like that's a habit both of them share though - running their hands through their hair.

I scoff softly at his remark, Cain doesn't want to go cos he thinks me and our jellybean will be in danger. "You know Mason, I always thought you were younger when Cain talked about you - he always called you my little brother." I hum, breaking the silence.

"Figures, he never takes me seriously - always treating me like I'm a little kid." Mason sighs in exasperation and I laugh. "The last time you two were together you were a little kid - give him some time." I murmur, placing my hand reassuringly on his shoulder. "He'll come round."
"Thanks Raina." Mason smiles at me, hesitating before saying my name.
"Just call me Rain, Mason. It's not a big deal."

"Just gimme a second-" I shuffle toward the linen closet and grabbing a couple blankets. "Sorry you'll have to take the couch tonight Mason - there's absolutely nothing in the spare room, but we'll furnish it up soon. There are throw pillows here somewhere I think." I make a few excuses and Mason tells me not to worry when I say goodnight.

I sigh, slowly walking into Cain's office and lean against the doorframe. "Knock, knock." I murmur, my head against the wall. Cain looks up in his reading glasses, peering at me from underneath them. "Babe, you coming to bed?" I ask and he rubs his eyes.

"Oh for crying out loud you've been in a coma for almost 2 months - the world isn't going to fall apart because you chose not to do paperwork." I groan and he chuckles, getting up from his seat and walking toward me all serious like.

He unexpectedly hugs me, arms around my middle - pulling me closer to him while he buries his head in the crook of my neck. "I love you Raina Chase." He murmurs against my skin, the vibration of his deep voice causing my heart to hesitate with its one task. "I love you too." I whisper into his hair.

I take a deep breath, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me until I can feel his breath on my cheek. "I missed you so much." I lower my lashes.
"Show me." He whispers in my ear and I show him exactly how much I missed him.

I wake up first. Legs tangled in the sheets, his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I sigh and he mumbles, tightening his hold on me. I look out the window the city still too sleepy in its lethargy to wake. This was nice and peaceful until the urge to puke rises once more - like it does every single morning. Damnit.

I tear myself from Cain's arms to practically sprint to the bathroom to toss my cookies. I feel seasick, and my face is sticky and pale, hair like seaweed clumps around my head. Why was pregnancy so gross? I'm supposed to be glowing! It wasn't fair! I start crying. I want a pregnancy glow, the healthy aura that everyone keeps talking about but most of all I want my mother. I want my mom to be by my side and help me with this whole thing.

"Hey, hey, hey-" Cain shushes me, holding my hair and rubbing my back in comforting circles. "What's wrong kitten? Why are you crying love?" Cain asks me sleepily and I know he woke up because of me. I couldn't even throw up without being noisy. I cry harder, finally done throwing up everything in my stomach and my body resorts to dry heaving.

"I'm gross and I woke you up and I smell like vomit and I miss my mum." I cry, looking away from Cain. He however, has other plans. "Rain, look at me okay just look at me." Cain says softly and I stare into his golden hazel eyes. "It's okay love. I'm fine. C'mon let's get you washed up." He says and tears swim in my eyes. I take a bath at Cain's insistence and come out of the water feeling tons better. Even I have to admit to myself that I was overreacting earlier. I throw on one of my comfiest jumpsuits before tying up my hair.

"Cain?" I walk into the bedroom and the water's running so I assume he's taking a shower. I grab my phone from the bedside table to check what's been happening to see that it's only 8am right now. I know Mason's probably still asleep so I don't even try to go inside. Instead I scroll down my messages - the usual suspects - Oliver checking in, Lindsay doing her best friend duty and threatening Cain, Skywalker checking up on how I'm doing, and surprisingly there's a message from Rafe.

Where's Cain, Raina? Mase okay? Vincent sent me a message ordering me to come to the Family's estate?
Cain's in the bathroom and yeah, Mason's fine. I'll ask Cain about your request to the estate.

"Rain? You called?" I look up at Cain and grin. His hair is dripping wet and he wears a black pair of sweats and a white shirt. "Sorry for earlier." "It's okay Raina," He rolls his eyes and I pat the space next to me as I lay down. "I'm so tired Cain." I sigh as he lays beside me on the bed, facing each other. Cain says nothing.

"Rain, there's no way out of this... we're going to Bellagio."
"Why aren't you telling Mason and Rafe that I'm pregnant?" I say eventually, this answer was more important than stupid Lombardy.

"Raina, I-" The door creaks open and both mine and Cain's head snap to the doorway. The door comes to a halt and in the middle of the passage - looking at us with absolute shock - is Mason.

"Raina's pregnant?!" Mason squeaks, his voice uncharacteristically high.

Thanks for this, Cain mouths at me and I shrug, getting up.

"Who wants coffee?"


Dear Readers,

I hope you liked the spice, no i mean seasoning (too light to be spice) cos that's all I got - I can't write smut to save my life (well I probably can but no one needs to see that level of cringe) so this is probs the most intense it's gon get.

All my love,

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