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"Who are you?" I growl, digging my gun closer to the man's skull and he whimpers. Cain watches me with bored detachment and the other two look as if I was losing my damn mind. I was quite innocently sleeping when this person woke me up. 

I was feeling slightly conflicted about that... I mean Cain was seated right opposite me and he couldn't be bothered to wake me in the slightest. The man I held at gunpoint was probably one of Cain's many, many minions... or maybe just part of the plane's staff. A twinge of sympathy courses through me and I momentarily ponder the thought of this guy just wanting to do his job.

Everything to my sleepy brain was bathed in white... the seats I rested on was white leather, the carpeting a light cream (blood wouldn't look good on it, neither would wine). Even the sunlight streaming into the jet made the scene otherworldly and ethereal. I stood in the middle of a spacious walkway, tons better than flying commercial that's for sure. Cain sat looking at me with a gun to his poor employee's head. Rafael and Mason were in their own little worlds on the front side of the plane whereas Cain and I were situated more to the back. Even Cain was bathed in white, looking more like an angel than the very bad mafia man I know.

Cain tuts, "Put the gun down Chase."

I was sleeping when this random guy, woke me up. I obviously didn't expect it and so I reacted the way I normally would to a threat- especially when I knew I was on a plane with assholes I didn't trust. The guy was blond with dark skin and Mediterranean green eyes, he was shivering slightly but so far managed to keep control over his bodily fluids. 

"Rain, you know this is one of mine." As much as I was loath to admit it, I already put two and two together and concluded the man was one of Cain's staff members on the plane... and that Cain wouldn't let anything happen to me whether I trusted him or not. He took care of what was his. Always had. I lower my gun slowly. Always would.

Suddenly I'm blindsided, something slams into my temple and I can't see anything. A silent scream stuck in my throat as my hands cup my head and I fall to my knees, crimson seeping from my fingers and my momentary blindness subsides as quickly as it arrived. 

"Kassimir!" Cain barks from above my hunching form, and I look down to the ground - still clutching my head as more and more blood drips to the ground. "Oops." A gruff voice says, the Russian brogue thick in his voice. "I guess that was too hard." The person, Kassimir, murmurs and my body gives up supporting me and I fall on my side like a dejected ragdoll. Closing my eyes as exhaustion beckons. I'd only rest for a moment... it was just until I got a grip. Just... just until-


"Good you're awake." 

I blink up above me and Cain frowns down at me. "What happened?" "Nothing you should worry your pretty little head about." Cain dismisses my question and I frown. This was sounding more and more familiar... I frown. Cain was acting weird with me. 

Suddenly I regret not giving him an opportunity to explain himself earlier about Rafe and I being siblings... but also warring with myself to stick to my word. His lies hurt me and honestly, after all the shit that's happened to me - no one should be surprised by my impulsivity and jumping to conclusions. But I also missed Cain... I felt alone for the first time in a long time. There was no one on my side in here. Mase wanted something from me - I didn't know what but I wasn't about to blindly trust Cain's little brother. I could smell the ulterior motive on him (it smelt like duplicity).

Cain lied to me - okay, he didn't openly lie to me but withholding information was basically the same thing. First knowing about my dad, then working with my dad, now this. Me defying him was a death sentence but also part of me standing up for myself. If I just let him get away with lying to me like this, how was the rest of our life going to turn out? I pause, filing that last sentence away for later. 

I can deal with me wanting to spend the rest of my life with Cain later.

Rafe knew and said nothing. I have no idea why, I don't even want to think about how we came to be half siblings but I knew I couldn't trust him. "Cain, what's the meaning of this ring?" I demand and he looks away from me boredly. I can see the answers flit through his head, in the twitch of his pinky finger but he says nothing. Almost mute. "What do you think?" He drawls and I narrow my eyes, that was not an answer at all. I sat upright on a bed, my head spinning slightly and Cain stops himself from catching me as I dizzily look around. I was on a small double bed, but the ground beneath it didn't feel like ground so I supposed we were still on the plane. It looked different though, there was no unfiltered sunlight coming in from the windows, the blinds made sure of that as it taints the light a murky gray. 

"Answer me." "Just do what you always do Raina," He sighs. "Just jump to conclusions." I flinch in response and he inhales again, and I can't stop the shiver travelling up my spine. "Don't move again." Cain murmurs, reaching for my face and stopping himself halfway. "Kas hit your head pretty hard but I don't think you've been grievously injured. You'll be dizzy for a while though." I clench my fists, looking down. "Who changed..." "The pilot changed your clothes - I thought you'd rather a female than any of us." Cain explains and I nod. There were flecks of my blood on my jeans but it wasn't that noticeable and I wore a black tank top, my belly's slight bump nondescript and hidden.

He notices me looking down at my stomach and gentles his voice, "Raina we need to talk before we reach Bellagio." "About?" "What to expect in Bellagio. My father probably invited only the family for the week but Caldwell's family will be arriving later." I huff, turning away from Cain and he softly turns my chin toward him. "Hey, you might be angry at me right now but our jellybean needs both of us. Sign this." Cain sighs, handing me a sheaf of paper. 

I glance at it, leafing through its contents. A marriage license, a prenuptial agreement and custody papers, to top it all off a contract. A sinking feeling of foreboding starts and I look at the yellow eyed male in front of me. "What? A prenup? Marriage license?" I try to search his eyes but Cain looks everywhere except at me.

"I'm not naive Raina." Cain says blankly, looking directly at the wall behind me. "In the event that I die, you will need this. With this you'll have the protection of my family even if I'm dead. Our child will be able to claim his birthright, you'll receive all my assets." He's thought about this and I don't know how to dissuade him. "Cain... wait." I stammer, grabbing him by his arms. "Slow down."

"With my assets and the backing of my family you'll be able to leave the Organization for good, just like you wanted, pretty dancer. You can raise our kid like you want to. You will also be able to have a say in matters of the Familia. When I die, I want you to be safe." He says grimly and the world spins around me. "You're-you.... wait Cain. I ne-I need you to sto-stop." "It's the truth darling. My chances of surviving this are slim, I'd rather we do this now and have an annulment later than you being killed by my family." He says sharply, standing up and pulling his tie straight. "I'll give you the rest of the trip to think it over." He clears his throat and I laugh, choking back tears.

"We're landing in 15." Kassimir knocks, opening the door and Cain nods. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" Kassimir asks, sparkling mischief in his dark eyes. "Don't you have catching up to do with Mason?" Cain asks monotonously and Kassimir laughs, "I'd much prefer this one's company." Cain looks into my eyes blankly, not an iota of feeling in his eyes. Why won't he be honest with me. That's all I've ever wanted from him. All I wanted, but now he was looking at me like he just bared his soul to me. I shove the entire pile of papers behind me - not even close to processing everything Cain just told me. "I'm Raina Chase." I smile, closed lips and anger clouds Cain's expression for the blink of a second. "You've been hiding this one away from us."

"Raina, this is my cousin Kassimir Romero, his sister Vassia is the one getting married." Cain introduces and Kassimir takes my hand, planting a chaste kiss on the back of my hand. "A pleasure to meet you Raina Chase." "Cain!" Mason's voice shouts and the door slams open. Mason barges into the room with wild eyes. 

"Someone shot the pilot!"


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