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~Third period, in History class

Resting my chin on my palm, I pretend to be listening to the lecture about World Wars.

You might be thinking that I hate History class, but on the contrary, it has always been my absolute favourite, not because our History teacher, Mr Beth, is a fabulous teacher, but because this is the only period I get to be in the same class with my favourite person in the world, Chris Oddwin, the quarterback of the school football team, the popular guy that every girl desires to be with, of course. I've been having a crush on him for two years.

I'm Violette Hope, sixteen, a high school student, and passionate about "singing". Yes, you heard me right. Most people at my school wouldn't believe that just because I perform pretty well in school exams and I care so much about my grades that they call me a "nerd".They think I have no interest in anything apart from my grades. But a nerd can have crazy dreams too, right?

I chose to sit in the back of the class today so that I can stare at Chris secretly without getting caught. Gosh, Isn't he so gorgeous?

"Earth to, Violette!"

The sound of Mr Beth suddenly snaps me out of my daydream. It startled me that I almost fell off my chair. I hear some giggles and chatters coming from other students.

"Sorry, sir..."
Nervously, I stand up from my chair. The entire class, including Chris, is staring at me, which makes me even more nervous.

"So-Violette, can you please tell me when World War-2 ended?", he asks.

"Yes,sir-It's 1945.." Without hesitation, I responded with an answer.

"Correct!" he exclaims.

Walking back and forth between the lines of students' desks, Mr Beth quickly scans every student he passes by. Then he pauses, as he steps next to Chris's desk.

"Well...Chris! Our famous quarterback, why don't you tell me the exact date of it?", Mr Beth asks Chris. Hopefully it is normal that as soon as I hear the name "Chris", my heart can't help but starts beating faster.

Chris softly lets out a sigh and runs his fingers through his hair, which is a cute thing he always does, before standing up slowly.

"It' Febuary~?"He gives a vague answer.

"Nope. Not even close..."

For a moment, Mr Beth pauses his sentence before turning back to me.

"Violette, do you know the answer?".

"Yes, it's September 2nd,1945, sir"

Despite being nervous, I luckily managed to give the right answer.

"Good job, Violette! BUT you should stop daydreaming in class. And Chris, you should focus more on the lessons as well. You may sit down now...Both of you.."

As I nod and sit back down, I steal a glance at Chris. And My heart skips a beat, as I see him smiling at me. Is-is he really smiling at me? Not believing my eyes, I turn around to check if there is someone else behind me, but there isn't anyone, which means, he is smiling at me? His drop-dead ravishing smile causes me to feel like my stomach is turning upside down that I don't even know how to react to him. Thank God, he turns away after a few seconds, because I know I might've done something awkward and embarrass myself if he doesn't.

Suddenly, the school bell rings, causing everyone to spring up from their chairs, and leave the classroom.

Noticing Chris walking in my direction out of the corner of my eyes, however, stops me from heading outside. Oh God, my heart is racing so fast.

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