7. Dead Calm

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The day after your grand adventure where you almost got murdered, everything hit you. More like your body, it felt like you were sore from working out, and in some ways you did. All the climbing, jumping, running for your life finally caught up to you. You wondered if the other felt the same. You got your answer soon enough when Sarah busted through your bedroom door with a cheery smile. "Good Morning, sleeping beauty!" 

You groaned at her energy, you thought of throwing a pillow her way to ward her off but didn't think you had the strength to. 

"It's not a good morning, it's a very bad morning," You shifted to the other side so your back was facing her. 

"Is it really? Did you forget about the very expensive bar we almost died for yesterday?" She sat on the other side of the bed with a bounce. "John B and Pope made a plan to get the rest of the gold, unfortunately, my dad wants to hold John B hostage for the day we originally had planned--" 

"See, already a bad start to the day," You used that as a lame excuse to stay in bed all day.

Sarah pulled the bedsheets off you, "Get up, buttercup we have things to do."

"What happened to nice, Sarah?" 

"Oh she's there, you just need to work with her so we can live happily ever after with a shit ton of money." 

You sigh, "Fine I'll get up."

The moment you were changed you were being rushed into the twinkie and off to meet with the rest of the pogues. You were at the chateau for a short while as Kie melted the three gold bars in an old pot with a torch. Your next stop was the pawnshop. 

"Hell, of a job on the melting Dr. Frankstein," JJ judged Kie on the gold bar that now looked like a puddle with the wheat symbol still engraved on top. 

"Like you could have done any better," She retorted. 

"Yeah, I could have I took a welding class-" He started, John B calmed them down before they could get any louder. 

"How did I get this job anyway," JJ complained about being the one that had to pawn off the gold. 

"'Cause you're the best liar," You snorted. 

"That's hurtful, Princess." 

"Only because you know it's true." 

JJ opened the door to the pawnshop, the bell on top chimed announcing your entrance. You and Kie strolled casually around the small store. 

"Think this will work?" You whisper to Kie while pretending to admire the artifacts displayed around. 

"Guess we're about to find out," She shrugs. You follow her line of sight to the lady at the cashier pouring some liquid on top of the gold, you assumed something was supposed to happen to prove it was fake or something. The lady inquired where JJ had found this, he fed her some lie and played his part well, you couldn't tell if she believed him or not. She left and came back quickly from another room. 

"I talked to my boss, and this is what I can do," She places a piece of paper down on the glass counter.

"Fifty thousand? Do you think I walked in here not knowin' the spot price? Ma'am, I know for a fact this is worth 140 at least." 

"Baby, this is a pawn shop, not Zurich, do I look swiss to you?" The lady made a point, you couldn't expect a small shop like this could afford 140 grand. JJ negotiated the price, he had to settle for 70 so the woman wouldn't go to the police. 

You had grinned at each other, trying to not make it obvious at the excitement. Here came the rough part, "Here's the snag, I don't have that much denominated here, I can write you a cashier's check."

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