16. My Druthers

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You weren't home, you knew it before you opened your eyes. The air smelt cleaner and felt fresher. The only time you felt that unfamiliar feeling was when you were living in Tannyhill, your heart pounded through your ears as you woke with a start. Not Tannyhill- this place was completely new to you.

Your eyes launched around the room in search of something you could recognize that would tell you where you are. Straight across from you on a bamboo couch similar to yours was Sarah. She was still out cold with a white fluffy blanket covering her and pillows surrounding her. Topper had walked in with two trays, both with orange juice and breakfast.

"Morning," He smiled at you and you couldn't process the kindness in his tone. You accepted the tray he handed to you with an awkward smile of your own and observed as Sarah stirred from her sleep.

Now that you were alert you popped a grape into your mouth as you thought of what you would have to do to get back to the cut.

Like you, Sarah looked at her surroundings and paused as she locked eyes with you, you shrugged as you took a bite of the toast on your plate. While you were anxious to go get back to the Pogues, you weren't going to deny a good breakfast. Your stomach growled as you fed it, you couldn't remember the last time you ate.

"Hey," Topper greeted her softly. "How are you feeling?"

"What time is it?" She asked.

"I don't know," He confessed. "Why?"

"We need to go," She made a move to get up and you were ready to follow her lead but he protested.

He handed her the tray insisting she was safe. "You're not going out there where your brother almost killed you. You're safe here, just have a little food."

You squinted at him, "You gonna hold us hostage here, Topper?"

"You're free to go Y/n," He gave you the same fake smile. "I'm more concerned about Sarah."

"What's all this gonna cost me?" If you didn't know any better you would think this was all an act. He might have saved you last night but the hospitality he extended to you was for show.

"That's the thing with your Pogues isn't it, always thinking someone's out to get you, I'm just tryna be a good guy here and show you what it is to be a decent hospitable human being. Seems like you guys don't do that much out there on the cut."

You groan and gave Sarah a disbelieving look, "Girl, you seriously went out with this guy?"

"Y/n," She gestured with her eyes as a warning. You were both on his side of the island and he did bring you to whatever this place was, probably one of his many beach houses, and brought you both breakfast.

"Look, I appreciate all that you're doing here but if you're gonna come at me later bringing up all the 'nice things' that you did-"

He cut you off, "You're with Sarah- for now at least- plus you almost died last night, it's the least I can do besides the fact that I saved you last night."

Topper was definitely going to hold it against you at a later date but the damage was done. He appeared to be satisfied with himself as he continued to dote on Sarah.

"Here's a phone," He handed to her a brand new sleek black iPhone. "So you can get a hold of me and I can get a hold of you, I just wanna make sure you're safe."

Sarah held the phone in her hands, admiring it. "Thank you, I haven't had a phone since the storm."

You sipped on your orange juice as you watched the exchange. Topper could clearly not express enough- how much he was still into her. He held her hand as he told her how worried he was and how glad he was to see her alive. A moment of silence between them had you clearing your throat to destroy the tension, there would be none of that in your presence.

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