8. The Runway

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You walk up slowly to where the hot tub was last night knowing that's where you'd find Pope, Kie, and JJ. You mulled over Rafe's offer before you had left after the heated moment, "Hey!" he called out to you.

You pause and turn to hear him out, "I'm staying over at this place on this part of the island, the people that own it are gone for the summer so we'd be alone. Come over?"

You responded with an "I'll think about it," and you did. You had no idea what went through your brain when kissing Rafe, it wasn't your brain but your body. Traitor.

The guilt you felt had a JJ-sized hole in your chest, one that will not be filled any time soon you were sure of that. This morning had been a mistake you would not be making more any time soon, so with that thought, you rid your mind of any thoughts of taking Rafe up on his offer.

"Y/N!" Kie ran up to you giving you a quick hug, "What took you so long?"

"Got caught up with something, what's going on here?"

"We're just cleaning up a bit before John B shows up," She shrugged. You caught JJ's gaze from where he was sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi.

"Hey, beautiful!" He waved you over, you went over to him leaning against the expensive square JJ bought.

"Hey, J. Feeling better?"

"Yeah, it was nothing. Bed felt empty when you left though," He said. The memory of last night made you blush. You brushed off his comment with a light laugh, "Didn't think you'd miss me that much."

He stopped what he was doing tilting his head to look at you with something you couldn't decipher, "You have no idea." He shook his head, "You know where John B's at? He's been MIA."

"Not a clue--" As if JJ had summoned him with his words, John B was speed walking with a clenched jaw all the way inside the chateau. He ignored all of your comments on his presence, your group had followed him into the house.

"You all right, man?"Pope asked him, he rummaged through drawers in the living room until he caught sight of what it was he was looking for.

"What are you looking for?" Kie looked confused. He didn't answer them nor JJ when he asked, "What's going on?" John B flipped the couch's pillows, taking out JJ's gun.

"John B what do you need the gun for?" You looked at your brother in shock, he was the main 'don't use the gun' activist and suddenly he turned violent when JJ approached him demanding him to talk to you. John B shoved JJ harshly onto the pullout.

"John B chill!" You yelled at him.

"What are you JJ now?" Pope blocked his way and was then pushed into the dining table.

"Are you okay?" Kie checked on Pope as you ran after him.

"John B what the hell are you doing?" You shouted after him, he was now on JJ's bike starting it up.

"Ward knows about the gold, he killed my dad!" He didn't wait for you guys to respond, leaving you four standing in shock.

According to John B, Ward Cameron had killed your father, you knew that John B wouldn't say that if it wasn't true. John B was the one who couldn't handle your dad's death always denying that he was dead and that he was only missing. For him to say that Ward killed your father must have been true and you don't know what to do with that.

Kie, Pope, and JJ chased after him but it didn't make John B stop. You stay there in shock trying to process his words and putting things together to make them make sense. The questions, how? and why? flourished around in your head.

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