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First two chapter are gonna be about her life as a Lockwood. Just a glimpse of her life before the pilot episode. It's gonna be brief.

Now let me just give you guys a glimpse in my life. And yes I'm going the Deadpool way. Breaking the fourth wall and all. Hey! That rhymed.

Anyways, as I was saying; I like deadpool, I'm a sucker for marvel. God! If only I was born in the marvel universe. Just imagine, me being reborn as an Asgardian. Another one of Queen Frigga's child or even adopted I wouldn't even care. As long as I get to flirt with Natasha. I would probably stutter a lot. I mean have you seen her! She is a goddess.

I would love to have an epic romance story with scarlet witch or bucky or Pietro. Ugh! I don't think I can choose. My bisexual heart would probably explode. I think it's better I was born in tvd universe and not in Marvel's. My gay side wouldn't be able to handle it.

Nevermind, the people here are hot as fuck. Thank the lord I never really found Tyler Lockwood sexually or romantically appealing. No offense to Tyler lovers out there, it's just he is so not my type. It would have been so bloody awkward if I had a crush on my own brother. Shit! I just got bad shivers down my spine just thinking about it. 

Well, I got way off on a tangent here. I wanted to tell you guys about my life as a Lockwood and here I am simping over Marvel characters and shit. Shaking my head right now!

Chuckling in amusement, I couldn't help but take a glance at my twin brother. The said brother gave me a weird look. Probably thinking I have gone mental. He was lying on my bed. Playing with a cricket ball as he threw it in the air only to catch it again. He has been doing it for almost an hour.

And don't ask me about the cricket ball. None of us play the sport.

I rolled my eyes and closed my diary. Yes! I have a diary. I mean, it kinda makes sense I keep a diary. I mean this is Vampire 'Diaries' after all. Who am I kidding I always wanted to be one of those cliché next door girls who have their life together and writes about little problem in their diaries. Except, I am not like them. I'm different. I am not being a pick me. I'm literally different than them. I mean how many next door girl/werewolf who are reborn into a supposedly fictional universe have you heard of. None!

Looking at my little brother, I noticed he still had his shoes on. I clicked my tongue, annoyed at his nerve. "What the hell, Tyler? I have told you a million times. Not to lay on the bed with your muddy shoes on."

Walking over, I knocked his legs off of my bed. Shaken by the force, he sat up. His glaring eyes cutting me in half, if it could. Ignoring the expression on his face, I looked at his feet on the ground, dirty shoes on my rug now.

Groaning, I walking back and sat down on a chair near my study table. Throwing my hands in the air, I exclaimed firmly, "Seriously! I have told you to keep your shoes out off of my room. I like my room clean. Thank you very much."

Tyler pursed his lips and and ignored me. Me! His big sister. Welp! There he goes, back to giving me the silent treatment.

I crossed my arms and huffed, "Alright, Fine. I'll go to the stupid party with you." I finally gave in to the demand. Yes, bitches and Dawgs. This little immature child was ignoring me because I declined to go to a party after promising him to attend it.

He quickly stood up and walked towards me. Picking me up, he gave a little hug before pumping his fist in the air. "I knew it." He exclaimed with joy. Caroline owes me ten bucks.

No! I didn't read his mind. That's just the author writing his thoughts.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What? And relax would ya? It's not that big of a deal."

Turning around and quickly stashing my diary in my drawer for the time being, I walking around him and stalked towards the door.

Tyler was quick to follow me. "Well, Caroline was so sure I wouldn't be able to convince you to attend the party." He added after a pause, "She owes me ten bucks now." Even without looking at his face, I could hear the smugness in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room before running down the stairs with Tyler hot on my heels. Ready to crush my little brother's dream, I looked back and flashed him a smug smile of my own, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Just as I was about to leave the house out the front door. Tyler stopped me. Gripping my shoulder lightly, he turned me around and looked into my eyes. I raised a single eyebrow. My lips twitching in amusement at his serious expression.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked his sister. Cursing his luck in his head. He couldn't believe he was about to loose to Caroline. Again. "Well?" He released my shoulder. Taping his feet on the ground, arm on his hip in a typical Mom or should I say 'Steve Harrington pose.'

Chucking in light amusement, I leant against the door, "You didn't have to convince me. I already promised Caroline. Of course. I was gonna go."

He waved his hand through his hair and cursed under his breath. "Damn it!" Exclaiming loudly, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen but not before stating, "Well, I should have known. Your whipped ass wouldn't ever say no to her."

Pushing myself off of the door, I followed him. Pouting my lips, I whined like a child, "Hey! That's not true. I do not have a crush on my best friend."

Snorting loudly, Tyler quickly turned towards me and walked backwards, raising his hands in the air , "I didn't say you had a crush on her. You said it, not me."

I stopped short and feigned an outrageous expression, I pointed at him accusingly, "You heavily implied it. Besides it doesn't really matter, she wouldn't want me. Hell! She probably doesn't even like girls."

Tyler sighed and stopped as well. He opened his mouth, probably to reassure me as he usually does after my 'Caroline doesn't like me, she's straight' rant. Before he could say anything. A firm voice spoke aloud, "She shouldn't and if you were a proper girl, you wouldn't either."

Tyler's head quickly snapped towards the voice. Seeing his father present, he tensed. Ready to defend his sister at a moments notice. My breath hitched in fear before I steeled myself. Turing around, I faltered at the anger and disgust clear on his face. "Father" I whispered with a clear crack in my voice.

Pursing his lips, he walked into the kitchen and filled himself a glass of water. Mine and Tyler's gaze never left his figure.  Father drank the water and turned to my brother, "Tell your mother I am going out of town for a few days." Without even acknowledging me, he stalked out of the room.

So, originally I was planning to have her relationship with her brother kinda bad. Like hating each other but then being the best siblings as the story moves forward but I just started writing and now they are besties....🤷🏼‍♀️

I started writing the chapter at like 1:00 am and now it's 2:30. I have work at 7. But I have to wake up at 4:00 am because it's so far from home.

Ugh! I don't know how I am gonna keep myself awake!

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