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Just like the phoenix. We'll f***ing rise again- Tenacious D

Loud screams of agony left my lips as my body began to ache in all directions. My head was pounding and I could hear the beating of my heart. If I didn't know magic was at play, I would have thought that I was having an attack or something, this was probably worse than that.

My feet were twisted weirdly and I know my ribs were shifted as well. There was a burning sensation travelling all over me. I don't know how I am still conscious. I think I am slumped down on my knees, or am I laid down?

Tears were trailing down my cheeks as I continued to pant heavily. I could see a blurry figure with arms wide open. Suddenly, a piercing was felt in my chest and before I could clearly make sense of it, all the energy went out and I succumbed to raw pain.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was way too dark. How long have I been unconscious? I cringed as loud footsteps echoed around the house. An arm extended and a glass of water hovered before me. I frowned and reached with a shaky hand. Bonnie's grandmother stood over me with a concerned expression. I simply nodded my thanks considering I didn't have enough strength to muster any words.

"Is it done?" I asked after a moment of silence, my voice came out deep and hoarse, making me clear my throat in discomfort.

Her lips twitched before she regained her blank face, "You tell me."

I closed my eyes for a second, it felt weird to be in my skin. Like I wasn't supposed to be in this body. I stood on shake legs, trying to find my balance before my eyes shifted towards here. She gasped softly, "Red, you eyes are so red."

My brows furrowed before I looked towards a window, my reflection stared back at me, veins covering my features and blood red eyes were the highlight. I parted my lips and raised my hand to feel the fangs.

I feel the hunger

Shaking my head, I took a step to walk out of the circle before an invisible wall stopped me. I huffed and looked at the old woman in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed. I knew what that look meant. "Does it look like I am in a frenzy? Look, I am not going to go around looking for blood. I haven't even completed the transition yet."

3 Days later

It was difficult to transition in this being but more difficult trying to hide the fact that I am not human anymore. Sometimes I would forget my strength and break things apart, so I had to do a lot of work trying to hold back.

I also had to meet with Sheila for a day to two as she tried to see if I remain in control. She doesn't seem scared, that I might harm her. Either she trusts me or she has something against me. Honestly, I feel a bit wary, there was no way the witches would allow her to do this, I have a very big feeling that they have some sort of advantage otherwise they wouldn't create something that is "against" nature.

"So, what happened then?" Little Bonnie looked at me with a small smile, this was certainly different with how she acted with care.

She must like me more.

I sighed dramatically, "I remember the party. Damon came up behind me, and he was kissing my neck, or biting my neck. I passed out. It's like there's holes in my memory lately. It's just weird. Maybe I let him bite me." I shrugged.

The young girl frowned, "Why would you do that?"

I grimaced and looked away, "Can we just not talk about it, ok? Don't want to talk about Damon. I don't want to talk about any of it. Just want to go back to normal." My eyebrows raised as I watched her fiddling with a candle, "What are you doing with that?"

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