Before the beginning

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Next chapter will be the start of everything.

2 days. Just two days before the pilot episode starts. Feels really weird to be honest. As much as I want to see that dreaded day as a simple, just a back to school party thing, I can't help but refer to it as The Episode. I mean, normal people don't really see their life as episode 1 or episode 2.

I can't help but feel like an outsider.

It's been years since I came here. One would expect me to be well immersed in this life now, considering I have been living here for quite a few years. But there are days, when I'm unable to separate the characters and their real self that I have known for so long now. When I see the main people, all I see is their future and I feel uncertain and confused. Is there going to a butterfly effect, now that I'm here? Or is their fate going to be the same? What will happen to me. Am I going to die or live my full human life? Or maybe someone turns me and I'm stuck as an immortal.

How did I get here? It it merely a dream? Am I lying in a hospital? In a state of coma, perhaps? All these questions overwhelm me but before I get lost in one of the episodes (lol, see what I did there) my friends usually shake me out of it.

Like right now.

"Ow...What the hell? Care, that hurt so much." Rubbing my arm, I glared at the Forbes girl lightheartedly.

Pain, it reminds me that this is real. If I'm alone, I just start counting my fingers. To remind myself that I am not dreaming. Yes, I took inspiration from our favourite spaz. If I have to explain the reference, shame on you child.

Back to present, Caroline, who was sitting in front of me, leant back and smiled in satisfaction, "Finally, you were lost again. I had to bring you back somehow." She chirped warmly.

"So dramatic" she muttered under her breath before going back to slurping her shake that I got her.

We were sitting in the mystic grill, having a little quality time to ourselves. I crossed my fingers and placed my arms on the table. "Fine, you little princess, sorry for not giving you attention, Kindly forgive me.." I rolled my eyes and huffed a little.

Caroline scowled at her. She couldn't believe she's being so annoying when she was the one who wanted to hangout. "First of all, I am a Queen, you bitch. And secondly, What's with you? You never act this way with me. It's mostly directed to the rest of out friends."

I clenched my jaw, as much as I tried to, I couldn't dispel the tension I felt. This was exactly the reason I wanted to hangout, to distract myself. Clearly it wasn't working. Sighing deeply, I smiled, or atleast attempted to, "I was being sarcastic, love. No need to be so frustrated."

She looked at me in disbelief and crossed her arms, "I know when you are sarcastic, You were being bitchy, your tone gave it away missy." She shook her head and looked at me in concern, "That tone is usually directed at other, mainly Elena, which I still don't understand by the way, she is a sweet girl." She placed a hand on my hand, "Is something bothering you?"

I couldn't help the fluttering in my stomach, not because of the touch but because of the concern in her voice. Well maybe because of the touch too.

Smiling softly, I squeezed her hand, "I am fine, Care. Just...things at home are not the best." They almost never are but that is not what concerns me at the moment.

We exchanged a small sweet moment. I could see the understanding in her eyes and her support. She didn't even have to say anything and she knew it.

Trying to lighten up the somber mood, I lightly smacked the table and pointed at her, "Also, I do not act bitchy with Elena."

She quickly cut me off, snorting loudly, "Please, you clearly don't like her."

I glanced around the lively environment and sighed, "It's not that I don't like her. I am mostly indifferent to her, Bonnie and any other person in this town.." Smiling teasingly, I placed a hand on my chest, "plus, you know, you are the only woman who has my heart. I don't have any space left in here." I patted my heart and smirked flirtatiously.

Caroline chuckled cutely and rolled her eyes, "Oh, stop it."

I smile in amusement as my eyes flickered to the redness that crept up from her neck to her ears. She wouldn't admit it, but we both know she is flattered. Might be because she is happy that someone finally prioritise her over her other friends or simply because Tis I who made her flustered with my charm. A girl can hope.

There was a comfortable silent between us now. We were simply enjoying each other's presence.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up before she looked at me. I glanced at her in hesitation before shaking my head, "No, whatever it is, no."

The blonde girl pouted, "I didn't even say anything. You can't deny before hearing me."

Pursing my lips, I looked at her puppy eyes and tried my best to ignore the pout before I cave in and kiss her. hard. I controlled myself tho. Consent, people, consent. "Care, Darling, whenever you make that face, you always demand something that you know I wouldn't want to comply to."

A moment of silence, in which she simply exaggerated her pout and puppy dog eyes. Clenching my jaw, I inhaled deeply through my nose. God! Control you hormones lady, you are not a teenager. You have the soul of an adult educated woman.

"Fine" I gritted out, whatever it takes to make the puckered lips go away.

The future blonde fist pumped the air. Eyes twinkling in triumph, ignoring my grumbling, she stated matter of factly, "You are coming with us to grill before the party, it's final."

Tyler was right, I am so whipped.

Sighing defeatedly, I went back to eating my fries. Grimacing slightly as I chewed the now cold food.


Yo! How are you people? Been a while, huh?

Anyways, i just wanted to give you a glimpse of her life before the chaos. Soo, I sorta of tried to imply that care is her only friend. She is mostly acquaintances with the rest of the gang.

Also, I have a feeling that Caroline's time before being a vamp was a façade, vampirism made her more confident and comfortable, so she didn't try to hide herself. Had she been a friend with a genuine person, who truly cares for her, I think she wouldn't have been so fake and defensive.

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